Chapter 5

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(A/N: As alot of you know, christmas is coming up! So im taking a huuuuge break and wont be posting for a while, or maybe not until january of 2022, im sorry for all of those who are really invested, have a great day =])

-Y/n's POV-
Where's Will? I frantically search around the site, he was no where, and I was worried. He was my first friend, the first person who trusted me enough, even though when we first met he wasn't very trusting of me, and I understand that.

Now where is he.

I was starting to get mad, and then guilty, and-- "[Y/N]? Hey...we need to talk." I turned around to see Will standing behind, or well now infront of me.

"Will? Where were you, I was worried!" I hugged him, well as best as I could, I never really hugged anyone...well any person, I hug non-hostile animals when I get the chance.

"Oh uh, I just- can we go somewhere private?" He asked me, I was confused and suspicious but I followed him anyways. "Where are we going Will?" I was just tagging along behind him, watching his every move as to not get lost.

"Just somewhere." It was a short answer, I could tell something was off but didn't question it. We arrived at a big rock near the Jupiter, but no one was inside.

"The robot, I- he's gone." The sadness in his voice was clear, he needed comfort but I didn't know how. So I did what I could best, I hugged him. It wasn't much but I just hoped it helped.

"I'm...sorry, for him, for everything." I sighed quietly and just let the quiet be filled with Will's sniffling.

-A few hours later[second person POV]-

"What is that?" John Robinson was strapped down on a chair in the Jupiter, they were about to test the Jupiter's capabilities....if most of the stuff needed for it to manage was gone.

"It's to mimic G-force." Will Robinson checked the strap twice to see if it was loose, lucky for him and unlucky for John, it wasn't.

They were testing,and testing, and testing....

Dead, dead, dead, dead (like my dad), skull cracked open--
"Hey at least I'm still alive right?" John Robison said with the most optimistic voice he could muster. "Yes.....and now you're dead." Maureen Robinson checked something on her board.

"Hey dad are you ok? You look bad" Judy Robinson went up to check her dad. He was in a bad shape like said so.

"I'm fine Judy" John was getting ready for another test. "Ok I think we can take a break-" Judy was then cut off by her mother, Maureen.

"No! We need to get this perfect-"
"I an his doctor and I say. He. Needs. A. Break."

Penny was proud. She didn't show it but she was. She helped her dad off the seat and guided him to the table knowing he'd fall if she didn't.

-few hours later-

You were however just outside, even tho you had a hard time seeing things, the moon illuminated the area for you allowing you to practice without having to grow your very own lights.

You were just practicing when you heard commotion, oh no, did I miss the launch? You thought while running up to where the commotion was. I was filled with joy when I found that it had worked out perfectly, then I looked down at the ground.

Me, were they gonna bring me?. You wanted them to bring you then remembered that you'd be floating in space dead and cold if they ever found out you were still alive. You shoved it off and went to find Will as he was nowhere to be found, when....



-636 words

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