chapter 2

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-Second person-
"You don't ask someone you just met 'what are you'." You scoff at his bad manners, then again you did sneak in his Jupiter.
"Sorry....I just- a lot has been happening-" he rambles on about everything that's happened in his life.

"And you also don't tell your whole life to strangers!" You whisper-shout, you two were behind a tree, not the best hiding spot. "Aaah! Sorry please don't kill me!-" he shouts, "I'm not gonna kill you idiot" you reply, obviously very annoyed, you just wanted to sneak in and back out but noo! You had to get caught here.

You scoff again and face the group of people doing their own thing, you didn't realize it was already night but you do realize they were trying to contact someone....or something. "My dad will question why I'm here, I'll see you later!" The boy shouts while running back to the group. You look at the direction he went to, confused, then it clicked. I haven't gotten his name! You thought, if he rats you out to the others you're definately dead.

"Wait what's your name!?" You ask, shouting because he was already so far away, "Will! My nam..." you couldn't hear what he was saying due to the fact that he was so far now.

-Y/n's POV-
Will?...huh. I turn back, growing myself a little seat, did you really think I was gonna run away, readers? Ofcourse not. I want to watch.  I then sat on it and waited for what they were gonna do, when I saw someone going near one of the poles with a rectangular thing and running back inside.
I've never seen these people or what they're doing before, weird. I voice my thoughts after looking at this.. group.

"Weird.."I whisper under my breath. I was no longer focusing on that tho, as I saw what they were trying...well successfully built. A giant light beam? What? I question myself and if possible I questioned them through telepathy, neither of those succeeded.

Then I saw those insects that bothered me whenever I lit up a lamp to explore the dark, I remember almost encountering a creature six times bigger than me but didn't mind me because it was trying to eat those insects. "wha-?..wait...SHIT." I then remember that creature, and humans, don't mix together. With absolutely no clue why I'm doing this, I run to the forts.

I dash into the back of one the tents, and just as expected I hear a roar, what do I do now, my vines wont help but it will help in slowing it goes nothing, If i don't get a parade this is all for nothing.
I run towards the creature ultimately trapping it in a...vine box? Whatever.

I didn't care about the people gasping and staring at me like I was their last meal, I needed to protect them, somehow.
Just as expected the creature sliced through my vines, hurting me on the way because me and the vines were connected.

But a little burn won't stop me, so I did everything I count to slow it down.

Vine. Cut. Repeat.

At this point I was shaking, but not until a robot came into view, Robot?! The robot Will was talking about?! I was gonna gasp but remembered, if I did that my lungs would feel even worse so my eyes had to hold the emotion. I stumbled back as the robot fought the creature but got ganged up on by another one, as I see the robot losing I catch a deep breath, and was readying myself to help, when..

Its lights turned from blue to red and with anything someone with common sense could know that a robot with red lights and four arms should not be messed with, so I stayed back, the pain somewhat getting better, it was excruciating before but it toned down quite a bit.

I sit back down as the burning feeling resides, when ofcourse, the robot turned to me with its glowing arms, I closed my eyes, then-- "No not them!" Will shouted running up in a defensive position in front of me.

"You know me, your friend." Will and the robot were having a bit of a moment so I decided not to say anything as that would also cause the burning feeling to worsen.

°time skip to the next day°
-Second person-

You were sent to examine on by one of the Robinson's, you learned their name due to the fact that the adults were talking about them and...screaming at them and sighing in disappointment at them..- anyways, you've always had a fear of this happening so you were kind of shaking, but you trust them enough.

You were free to go with just a few hours of rest, but in conclusion you also finally let Will touch one of your horns because you couldn't stand his constant bugging of "I'm sorry" followed by "can I touch your horns please?"

I was glad they didn't attack me for being a sile, who knows what could've happened? I get brutally murdered? Cast out? Experimented on again?... Never mind, I don't have to focus on that right now.

-882 words

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