Chapter 106: Typing out GG

Start from the beginning

Su Tianji felt the same way, feeling that Fang Qi never missed his shots. When she tried to distract Fang Qi by moving swiftly to another cover so that Nalan Hongwu could shoot at him, Fang Qi’s rifle followed her like a shadow and killed her instantly!

Looking at Fang Qi on the screen, Jiang Xiaoyue was in a daze, and so was Song Qingfeng who played Resident Evil and was proficient with guns.

Everyone was stupefied! All the viewers who were watching the livestream in both shops were stupefied!

“Guns can be used this way?! He had defeated six opponents including Nalan Hongwu?! Each of these six people had gotten used to guns and this map! Among these weapons, there is another powerful killing weapon that could kill from such a long distance besides the rocket launcher?”

More importantly, everyone had seen from the Fang Qi’s encounter with Nalan Mingxue that this gun was also powerful at close range!

Also, the power of each weapon depended on the users.

“You used an advanced technique, right?” Nalan Mingxue had been watching Fang Qi play the game from the beginning to the end.

“Technique?” Hearing Nalan Mingxue’s words, everyone snapped out of their daze and looked toward Fang Qi.

This weird spiritual artifact that seemed to be designed for ordinary people looked simple, but it could unleash extraordinary power when it was used with some techniques.

“This weapon is called a sniper rifle?”

“The techniques that the shop owner just used are called quick scope and flick-shot?”

“When one gets to the advanced level, there is a high-level technique called gun-combat-technique?”

“These weapons look simple but are very powerful!”

Hearing Fang Qi’s words, all the people had lights in their eyes, imagining their bright future with these wondrous weapons!

These weapons could be used just like sabers and swords! They could be used in battles instead of being novelties.

“They look awesome!”

“They look magical in the shop owner’s hands!” seeing Fang Qi’s marksmanship, people exclaimed.

Despite his excellent performance in the game, Fang Qi was surrounded by Nalan Hongwu, An Huwei, and Su Tianji whom he had defeated in the game.

“Kid! Do you dare to fight me in the real world?” Su Tianji was the most furious one among them. She had been depressed by her time playing the Legend of the Sword and Fairy, and then she was tricked into Counter Strike by Fang Qi and got beaten senseless by him in the game!

She had a horrible gaming experience!

She wanted to fight Fang Qi in the real world.

However, she was just saying it to vent her anger since a Divine Ocean Realm cultivator wouldn’t bully Fang Qi, who wasn’t even an Ancestral Warrior yet.

She wouldn’t do it just for a game; she wasn’t so immature.

“Kid! Couldn’t you go easy on us?!” Nalan Hongwu, An Huwei, and the others also looked angry, but they felt a bit better since they had gotten several kills on Ye Xiaoye and Xu Zixin.

Is there no one who can give the despicable owner a lesson? Jiang Xiaoyue who had been hoping for Fang Qi to get beat felt like crying. She sent a bullet comment, [Someone give Mr. Fang a lesson! Look how smug he is!]

Quickly, the viewers who had waited a whole day to see the defeat of the shop owner seconded her proposal.

[Give him a hard lesson!]

[Mr. Fang is awesome!]

[One more round!]

[We want to see the shop owner beat!]

Fang Qi became the public enemy while the bullet comments flooded the screen!

“Let’s play another round,” Nalan Mingxue finished eating her Haagen-Dazs and said casually.

“Another round?” Fang Qi shrugged. “Even if I goof around, the result will be the same.”

Nalan Hongwu and others’ face fell.

How arrogant was he!?

At this moment, even Nalan Hongwu and An Huwei wanted to fight Fang Qi in the real world as well.

“One more round!” They said with dark expressions, “We’re not afraid of you!”

-Ten minutes later-

A gunshot sounded, and Nalan Hongwu was again the last person on his team. Although he wasn’t shot in his head, he had lost most of his HP.

Hiding behind a police car, Fang Qi broadcasted the game leisurely while he looked at his remaining half of HP.

“Did you see how I did it? I know you didn’t, which is what I expected.”

“You see that I never show myself, but there were five rounds of psychological battles during the process.”

“Whatever strategy he uses, he will die first. He must shoot several times before he can kill me, but I can kill him by one touch.”

“It means that I will win as long as I don’t get reckless.”

Fang Qi explained as Nalan Hongwu crept up toward him with only a few HP left.

Meanwhile, Nalan Mingxue who sat next to Fang Qi made a move expressionlessly to everyone’s surprise. This move wouldn’t pose any threats to Fang Qi and couldn’t be regarded as a provocation.

Creak! Creak!


The System, [I saw nothing.]

On the screen, Nalan Hongwu lifted the machine gun and…



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