That made Midoriya teared up at Bakugo's words and he went over to him and embraced him, "I love you so much, Kacchan!"

His hug was a little too tight for Bakugo to contain, "Oof! Okay... I love you too, you damn... nerd... Can't... breathe.." he managed to get his words out as he finally let him go. "Your hugs are impossible to get out of."

"Pfft! You're only saying that because you're not a hugger." He smiled at him as he put his hand in Bakugo's hair and ruffled it a bit.

Bakugo clicked his tongue, he turned his head away from his boyfriend, so he wouldn't let him see his red face, "Shut up! I'm going back to cleaning!" Making him storm out of the room.

Opening the door, he heard Midoriya speak up, "Hey! What time do you want to go to the park for our picnic tomorrow?"

"Uh... somewhere in the afternoon. I'll prepare the food, so don't worry." He said as he headed for the door and closed it behind him. Midoriya sighed and went back to cleaning their bedroom.

After dealing with the spider in the room, he went back to the kitchen. There was a specific drawer, so he decided to look in it. Before opening that drawer, he looked around just to make sure Midoriya wasn't around. He proceeded to open it and exhaled, "Good, it's still there." He closed it back up and picked up the spray and towel on the island and went back to cleaning the kitchen. "Things have to go perfect tomorrow, I can't screw anything up."

A meow interrupted his thoughts and saw his cat, Boombox, looking at him. He grumbled because he knows what his cat wants, "Go bother Deku, I'm busy with the kitchen." His cat hissed back at him and turned his head away from his owner. He ignored his cat walking away from him. "Why did I even adopt a cat in the first place? Oh wait, that's right! He just waltzed into my apartment and made it his home!!" He shouted out loud for the cat to hear.

"Kacchan! Are you angry at Boombox again?!" Midoriya shouted from the other room, it sounded like a muffling sound, but he heard him.

"Mind your own business! Let's finish cleaning, so I can take a shower!!"

"What about taking a bath together?" He suggested still shouting.

"Whatever!!" The two continued to talk over them until the neighbors overheard the loud noise and filed some complaints to the owner of the building.

-The Next Day-

Bakugo finished packing up the last of the food he made into the basket, trying to make things look perfect inside. He carefully placed one more sandwich in there and then it looked perfect.

"Kacchan! Let's go before we're losing daylight!"

"I'm coming!" He closed the picnic basket and took it off the island. He only took a few steps and suddenly remembered something. "Oh crap! I almost forgot!" He turned around and walked back to the island and opened up a drawer. Taking out something from it, he sighed in relief as he put it in the picnic basket.

Now that he has everything, they're finally ready to go. As he walked out of the door from the condo, Midoriya waited for him by the door while holding a blanket. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah. I finally got everything I need," he said as he closed the door behind him. Both of them are ready to go to the park.

As they exited out of the complex, they decided to walk to the park since it's not too far from the complex. The two of them talked about some things like what they should do for their next date.

The park was the perfect place to have their picnic, not only that, but the weather was also very nice and just right. Midoriya laid the blanket out for them to sit and Bakugo put the basket down, his hand reached for something and put it in his pocket. The two of them took a seat on the blanket and got some sandwiches out of the basket.

The Wedding Planner's Affair-Wedding AU(Bakudeku/Dekubaku)Where stories live. Discover now