Chapter 13

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The next morning had arrived and Melissa was up and about and ready to go. After taking a nice warm shower, she brushed and blow dried her hair for a while. Then went into her closet to find the perfect outfit to wear for today.

Because today, she gets to go wedding dress shopping. It was the first thing she wanted to do when she got back from Africa. The wedding dress shopping experience would make her feel like she's in a royal closet.

As she put her chosen outfit on the bed, she went back to the bathroom and took off her glasses as she put on her eye contacts. Smiling proudly, she then did her make up with a bit of a natural look and some pink lip gloss on her lips.

With Midoriya he just woke up five minutes ago and rubbed one of his eyes with his knuckles. His hand reached for the door handle and noticed the door opening itself. He had to do a double take when he saw Melissa in her outfit. A nice white dress with medium length sleeves, red lace at the end of the skirt and sleeves. It was covered with tiny red dots all over like cherries. Her high heels were dark cherry red. "What do you think?" She nervously asked.

Nothing came out of his mouth, entirely speaking. He was speechless. He blinked back to reality and sighed, "I like it better when you wear your glasses, that's one of the things I love about you. It makes you look cute."

"I know, but I want to look my best today! Anyway, what are you gonna do while I'm away?"

"Well.. the guys are planning a surprise for me. So, I'm not really sure what it is, but they really are full of surprises."

"Okay. Oh, and please, do tell me what it was and I'll tell you how my day was. Alright?"


"Mainly because I'm concerned that someone in his friend group will expose a lot of things, and I'm still wondering how he's friends with this guy in the first place."


Melissa patted her hand on his shoulder. She walked up to a chair and picked up a purse that was just laying there. "I'm gonna head out. Wanna have dinner at the country club once we get back?"

"Mhm. That sounds like a great idea." Midoriya agreed and headed to the bathroom. Melissa went over to the door and headed out. With her phone in her other hand, she felt it vibrating and it was one of her friends. She accepted the call and started walking to where the elevator was. She put the phone by her ear and greeted, "Hey, Kendo. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just want to tell you that a few of us couldn't make it to your wedding dress shopping day. The only ones that could make it are me, Setsuna and Uraraka."

"Uraraka?" Once she made it to the elevator, her hand prevented it from pressing the down button, "Why invite her?"

"Well, she is one of the bridesmaids in this ceremony. Plus, she volunteered to help out and she was the only other bridesmaid that was available."

"I don't care, you have to uninvite her! She's gonna ruin my day and you know it!"

Kendo sighed on the other end from the phone, "Okay, how about this? She comes but doesn't say anything about the dress. Deal?"

"Fine. I'm fine either way as long as his ex doesn't ruin my day. I've been looking forward to this since we first started planning this wedding." Her finger pressed the red button and proceeded to press the elevator button. "I won't let Pink Cheeks ruin my wedding, if it's the last thing I do."


"Alright everyone, our bridal appointment is gonna be very important today. Mainly because our bride's father in particular is part of a multimillion dollar company."

The Wedding Planner's Affair-Wedding AU(Bakudeku/Dekubaku)Where stories live. Discover now