Chapter 16

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Toga knocked on the door with her foot since her hand can't reach the door knob. The door knob turned a bit as the door opened for her to enter. Carefully setting the stuff down, she exaggeratedly exhaled and jumped into a chair. "Man, that was tough."

There were now four people in the room. Magne and the other two guys that Toga wanted to call in to help her out with their operation. Sako and Bubaigawara. One is a costume designer, while the other one is an excellent cameraman. Bubaigawara is the master of disguise, not to mention that he's a great actor. As for Sako, he's very good with his techniques when it comes to filming. He knows how to get the best angle's anywhere.

Magne clapped her hands together once to get everyone's attention. "Okay! Now that we got our actor and camera man, let's review the plan." She said as she rolled out the blue prints. "So, we need to go around the entire area, both hotel and country club, to see what we can find. I think our best bet is to split up and see what we can find."

"I'll team up with Toga! We can crash a party there and dig into the buffet table. I heard there's an all you can eat event!" Bubaigawara volunteered with excitement.

"Fine by me. After all, each pair has to have a camera person to capture what we need. I for one can't wait for the buffet table."

"Tough luck," Sako intervened in their conversation and all eyes were on him, "Because the all you can eat buffet is for senior citizens only. The only way you can be a part of it, is if you accompany a senior citizen with you."

"In that case!" Bubaigawara went to his clothing rack he brought and popped right back looking like an old man, "That'll be our cover up. You turned it into a problem, I turned it into a solution!" He replied in his old man voice.

"Then it's settled. Sako and I will go to the hotel and pretend to be the paparazzi." Sako then appeared with a fashionable scarf around his neck and video camera that was on his left shoulder for support.

"Let's do this thing guys!" "I'm with ya!" "Now hold on a minute! Shouldn't we check if one of the wrinkles on my skin peeled off?" "That doesn't matter now, let's get this show on the road!" Bubaigawara kept talking and shouting at himself.

Sako was a bit concerned about having his buddy on the team, he went over to where Toga is, "Are you sure it's a good idea to have Twice on the team?"

"Twice? That's what you call Bubaigawara?" Magne interjected as she asked out of curiosity.

"Well... yeah. Mainly because his name is too long to remember, so I asked him if it was okay to call him Twice, since it's easier to remember." Sako explained and walked away from the girls.

"Hmm... Maybe I should call him that, if that's okay with him. Hey! Is it alright if I called you Twice?"

"Sure... I always like the name Twice. Now, enough dilly dallying and let's get some tea! But not that kind of tea!" Bubaigawara aka Twice replied to Toga's response as he went over to the door and got into character.

"I agree. We only got about twelve hours of shooting before we can actually film what we need." Sako said as he turned the door knob himself and opened the door. Letting everyone else outside of the room.

Magne and Sako both went their separate ways as both Toga and Twice are heading to the country club. They headed for the hotel lobby and saw that it was packed and busy. Lots of people were talking amongst one another as it got louder by the minute to talk over other people.

Seeing as this is a serious issue, Sako found someone by the door holding it open for people. Tapping his finger on her shoulder, she felt the tap and turned over to him. "Hi? Can I help you?"

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