We Are Nothing But Pretty Trash

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"There's my girl!" Johnny exclaimed, sitting his bags down and bounded up the stairs, opening the gate and scooping the now three year old up into his arms.

"I miss you, daddy!" She said, wrapping her arms around his neck as he spun her around.

"I missed you more, sweetheart." Johnny whispered into her hair, bouncing her around as he walked into the living room, smiling when he saw Vivian standing in a green bikini.

"Hi, V." He greeted, pulling her into a warm hug.

"Hi, J. We missed you!" Vivian replied, pulling back to kiss the side of Faith's head.

"God, I missed both of you too. How's school been?" The singer asked. Vivian had been in veterinary school for over a year after finally agreeing to let Johnny help with the cost.

"Its been good! I got a call back from that clinic, and I'm gonna start interning there in two weeks!" She said in excitement, making Johnny grin.

"I'm so happy for you!" Being a vet was all Vivian had ever wanted, so he was ecstatic for the younger woman.

"You guys going for a swim?" He asked, sitting Faith down, and watched in amusement as she ran off towards the sliding glass door, trying in vain to push it open herself.

"Yes, you're welcome to join us." Vivian said with a grin, following the toddler to the door and opened it to let her run outside.

"Sure, why not. Let me get changed real quick." He said, going into his bedroom to grab a pair of swim shorts and walked out onto the patio entrance in his room, and over to the pool, smiling at the two girls.

"Daddy! Daddy! Watch me!" Faith yelled, jumping into the shallow end of the pool where Vivian caught her, keeping a close eye on her even though she was wearing a floaty.

"That was so cool, Faith!" Johnny encouraged, walking over to the edge and sat down, letting his legs dangle in the water.

Lily had gotten home from tour a few days before he did, she had released her second solo album earlier in the year, and it had been a huge success, he was so proud of her.

Vivian glanced behind him and smiled slightly, but before he could turn around, he was suddenly shoved into the pool.

He came up from the water to see Lily standing at the edge of the pool with a grin. "Hey, darling." She greeted warmly, trying not to laugh as Vivian and Faith cackled, and Johnny glared at her playfully.

Johnny stared at her for a long moment before he lunged forward, grabbing her by the hand and drug her into the water with him.

"Hi, gorgeous." He grinned when she popped out of the water, sputtering from shock.

"You're an ass!" She snorted, kissing him deeply, and wrapped her arms around him, unable to keep herself from holding him, they hadn't seen each other in person in nearly a month, and she missed him desperately.

"You started it!" He retaliated, hugging her tight against him, smiling down at her.

"Hi, Lily!" Faith said, swimming over to them, Johnny picking her up and held her in between them.

"Hi, baby doll! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said, holding her arms out for a hug that Faith happily returned.

"Lily, watch me jump!" She begged, grabbing Lily's hand, and started pulling at it until Johnny sat her down in the water and let her drag his girlfriend over to the edge of the pool.

Vivian swam over to Johnny, smiling at him sweetly. "So... when are you going to marry her?" She asked, laughing when Johnny whipped around to look at her in shock. "What? I'm just curious!" She defended.

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