Chapter 8

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Although Koda had claimed that this was "our house", it still felt like a stranger's home to me. But then again, I had spent so much time leaving and entering new foster homes that I wasn't sure I would ever feel truly at home. After pulling my few items out of my trash bag, I waited on the bed that was supposed to be mine until Koda called my name from downstairs. I jumped up quickly, unsure of how he would respond if I was late.

"Dinner time!" his voice rang out as I stepped into the carpeted hallway.

"Coming," I called back, feeling the absurdity of our situation. We used to be called for dinner by our parents who were now very much not a part of our lives. Instead, my older brother called me from the house that he had somehow paid for. I always felt so similar to that scared little girl from my youth but maybe we had both changed. At the very least, this was quite an improvement from my recent situation.

I ran down the steps promptly and the scent of delicious food wafted from the kitchen. It wasn't spicy but it was unique, utilizing flavors and ingredients that I wasn't accustomed to.

"What is that?" I exclaimed, quickening my pace. I reached the white room and looked at my brother, who was pouring a mixture of vegetables, meat, and rice from a bowl onto each plate.

"Old family recipe," he said with a smile as he scooped the meal onto a third plate.

"We have a family recipe?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. I walked over to the kitchen table and sat in one of the four chairs, trying to be patient as my stomach growled.

"Not our family," he explained, as a girl came out of the bathroom and smiled up at me.

"Who...?" I asked, before remembering that he had told me his best friend was coming over. I guess I had just assumed it was a guy like Koda. I had pictured a slightly muscular college boy in an old tee shirt and jeans, and instead the most attractive girl I'd ever seen stood in front of me.

She had tightly curled black hair and bright eyes surrounded by black eyeliner. Her shirt was a beige tank-top that stuck to her body and contrasted with her brown skin but emphasized her enviable curves. Her lips were painted a bright red that stretched into a smile as she saw me at the table.

"You must be Sloane!" she said, eyes flitting from Koda to me and then back. I wondered if she saw any similarities. She held out a hand to me and I shook it, surprised by the strength of her grip.

"You must be..." I said, before realizing Koda had never told me her name. I looked at him, panicking as he threw his head back with laughter at my awkwardness. He smirked while I waited with wide eyes, hoping he would save me. She did instead.

"Nia," she replied, kindness emanating from her. I pulled back, a little unsure of how I should respond. Between Nia and Koda, I was going to have to get used to excessive vulnerability. I had spent years building my emotional shield but here they sat without weapons, telling me that I could take it down.

She sat down in the seat across from me and Koda sat between us, bringing over the remaining dishes. We sat down to eat and I dove in, eager to give myself an excuse not to talk. I moaned as the first spoonful hit my tongue and the delicious flavor came to life. I was torn between the urge to savor every second of it or ingest as much as was humanly possible.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I said, shoveling more down before I had swallowed my first bite. They laughed and exchanged a look of pride that sent obvious sparks flying into the air. Despite Koda telling me they were just friends, there was clearly something more happening here.

"So, you guys are dating?" I asked after swallowing, grinning as they both grew flustered.

Nia's cheeks tinged pink and Koda glared as I raised my eyebrows. His arm, which had been resting on the back of her chair, was pulled rapidly back to his side.

"We're just friends!" he explained, too fervently. She faced the table and I couldn't help but notice that her eyes had grown somber at his explanation. Before he could notice, she raised her head and nodded with a small smile.

"Too bad. You guys would make a cute couple," I said, taking another bite and giggling as I sent them into a frenzy once more.

"This meal is amazing, Nia!" Koda said, taking a large bite and nearly choking. His eyes bulged out as I slapped his back and he coughed it down.

"It really is! I can't wait to try more of your family recipes in the future," I said, expecting that she would be over a lot.

"Yeah! Well, we'll have a lot of time for that soon!" she said, smiling at me as if we were in on a joke. I gave her a confused look and Koda quickly changed the subject.

"Yep! I think you'll love learning more about Nia, Slo," he said hurriedly. "She's from Nigeria and her mom's story is remarkable."

She nodded proudly and I asked her about it, making her face light up. Koda seemed to deflate with relief that I didn't question him further, and I made a mental note to ask him what that was all about later.

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