Chapter 27

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I could tell we were nearing Sedona by the scenery. The city of Flagstaff seemed exciting and familial, but Sedona was pure beauty. The rock formations around us changed like a chameleon from tan and sandy coloring to russet red with orange undertones. The ridged canyons transformed dramatically into smooth landscapes, and lush greenery blossomed along the road.

A large orange sign held up by red brick welcomed us to Sedona, Arizona, citing the population and when the town was founded. The sign was old and battered but beautiful, just like the canyons around us.

People began popping up along the road the further we drove towards the city. Stragglers who had parked their cars on the way out of town were stopped to take photos and spend time in nature. A part of me wanted to stop, but the other part of me wanted to get there faster to find a place to rest and eat. The snacks we had packed and water bottles that we had now emptied really weren't doing the trick in the blazing desert.

Eventually the city came into view and I sat up eagerly, taking in the sights. The city was well populated with tourists from all over displaying their state's license plates. There were people popping in and out of little shops on busy streets with bags full of little destination purchases. Motels and diners lined the main road and I looked for our diner sign but we hadn't reached our destination yet. We drove further towards the edge of the town and when we had reached the outskirts, we arrived.

The diner was an old-looking white building with mint stripes and pink trim. There were glossy clear windows so you could watch people driving in and out of town, and metallic edges on the building reminiscent of the past. Only a couple of cars were parked in the lot so we secured the front spot and got out.

I leapt out of the car and into the hot desert air, inhaling the mouthwatering smell of burgers from inside. I mimicked Koda who was leaning down to touch his tones and bending his back from left to right. Mine made a painful popping sound and he laughed at the shocked expression on my face.

"Did that hurt?" he asked as I looked down at my back in surprise.

"No, I'm just not used to sounding like bubble wrap when I move," I said, lifting the shirt to check that I hadn't lost a vertebrae. He laughed and walked up behind me, giving me a light push towards the building.

I pushed open the glass double doors of the building and held one side open for Koda, so that he could talk to the hostess and I wouldn't have to. He walked in and through the front entry area and I trailed behind him, scoping things out. The building was smaller than it looked from the outside, but very spacious. There were bright red booths with glossy white tables that lined the walls and a small bar area with miniature jukeboxes connected to the overhead speakers.

"Splish Splash" by Bobby Darin was playing and I began humming the tune and dancing to myself while Koda told the hostess that we were ready for a table. He pushed me in front of him when she grabbed two oversized plastic menus and she led us to a booth by the window. With an informal wave of her hand we sat down quickly and she walked off to find us a waiter.

"Lovely customer service," I commented, making sure she couldn't hear me. Koda snorted.

"Did you see her name tag?" he asked, remembering why we were here.

"Karen," I said, surprised he hadn't noticed it. As I said her name, our new waitress appeared behind us, tall glasses of water in each hand. She set them before us and blew her black bangs out of her face. The condensation from the cups leaked onto the plastic table as our waitress introduced herself.

"Hello, welcome to Miss Kay's Diner! My name is Jade. Can I start you off with some drinks today?" she asked, smiling at us. Koda's eyes rolled down her body and I could tell he thought she was pretty. I made a mental note to spill a drink on her later for Nia.

"Sprite, please!" I requested with a smile. "And we're ready to order." I bounced a little in my seat to make my blonde hair wave and bent my head at an angle so she'd think I was cute as I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. If she imagined us as an innocent brother and sister duo, she'd be much more likely to give us information. She smiled warmly at me and then turned to my brother.

"A Coke and a burger for me," Koda said, clearing his throat. Jade looked up from under her eyelashes as she listened to his order and wrote it down on her notepad. She flipped it shut and tucked the pen into a pocket on her apron, before backing away to take our orders to the kitchen.

"Before you go, do you know if Deborah is coming in today?" I asked, making sure the corners of my eyes crinkled so it would look like we knew her. Jade faced Koda who smiled as well, although he shot me a suspicious look first. I should've covered the plan with him in the car.

I Don't Believe YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora