Unexpectedly, she immediately turned her back on him as if hiding her face. Aki wanted to ask her what's wrong; he realised that he's actually seeing her these past few days but never actually thought it was her because of the hair change. He's about to speak when he heard her quivering voice.

"Give up."


"Someone better deserves your affection much more than I do." She was looking out of the window and Aki stood beside her to hear clearly what she's saying. "There's that one person who'll give you the love that I cannot give to you..."

"I don't understand." He's smart enough to know that he's facing rejection and stupid enough to play dumb about it. "You know that I love you, right?"

Bridgette faced Aki with a sad look in her eyes. It's the first time she'd heard the words 'I love you' from him and she can't help thinking what if she just choose him instead. It wouldn't be so bad: he's smart, good looking, have a positive outlook in life...

He's just like Shinji.

"Can't you understand me? I can't give you the love that you wanted!"

"I don't care about that!"

People walking through the hall stopped to look at them. Bridgette carressed his hair and smiled. Her tears were on the verge of falling again. "Someone out there loves you. You know her but you just can't see how much she cares for you. Please, just give her a chance to show you how much you mean to her." She held out her hand for a shake. Aki just looked at her. "Let's be good friends, Aki Tachibana."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"I'm in love with someone else, and friendship is all I can offer to you."

He just nodded at her. He knew from the start that she might not see him the way he sees her and he had prepared himself from the beginning in case this day happens. He wanted to cry but he knew it won't change her mind. Aki just put his hand on her head and slowly pat it. "I can't change your mind, right?"

"I'm sorry."

Aki gave her a bitter smile. He sucked in air to prevent his tears from falling. "Your hair looks good on you."

"One day I'd tell you my secret. Moreover, I guess we're better off this way. Our friendship won't ever break."

He kissed her forehead before he turned to leave.

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

"Mizuki senpai?" Emi called out to Seiran as they sat on a bench near the music building. He hadn't spoken a word and she's been guessing if he wants to talk about Bridgette.

"Mizuki... senpai?" He sighed. "Tanaka, how long had you been living here in Tokyo?" The question caught her by surprise. She'd expected to ask if Bridgette's mad at him or anything and not a question about her. "Uhm, ten years?"

She could see that Seiran's having some mixed emotion in him. What does he want? she thought.

"You haven't attended a social party at that time, have you?" It appears to her as if he's in a hurry so she immediately answered no. "If by social party you mean the one attended by the higher society then I've never been in to one."

Seiran exhaled. He was relieved that he was wrong all along. "So that means we haven't met at that time." Emi smiled at him as she was also relieved that his scary expression had went away. "Possibly not. I thought you're to ask something different."


"Uh, like... about Bridgette?"

He just gave her a blank stare.

"Let's go back to Aki." He's already on his heels back to the main building leaving Emi baffled.

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

Four hours had passed and still Bridgette couldn't ask Emi what she and Seiran had talked about. She felt bad for hurting Aki's feelings but she knows that Emi would be a great girlfriend for him, he only needs to realise her presence.

Onimura sensei instructed Bridgette to wait for him in the piano room after class so she hurriedly went there hoping she could find Seiran. She was right- he's playing the piano together with some primary kids who keep on requesting songs from him. Bridgette smiled at the sight of him playing the piano but she didn't expect that he could be playful with children.

"Onii chan, I want you to play the theme from Kamen Yaiba!" A stout little boy said. Seiran grunted. "I don't know that song. Sing it properly so that I can play the tones." The young lad pouted at him and she wanted to laugh at the scene but stopped herself. A little girl squeaked in a request. "Onii chan, how about an Egoist song?"

Whoa, young kids listening to Egoist, huh?

"That's a girly band. I'll just play another song." Seiran answered. Bridgette never thought she'd see this side of him and its making her heart throb faster. "Then maybe Onee chan there can play it." The little girl hurried to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the piano. She met Seiran's eyes with equal surprise as he had on him; she remembered that it was his first time seeing her since Saturday.

"Oneechan, can you sing an Egoist song?"

"Eh? I only know one song though."

"Then please play it for us." Seiran stood to give her the seat and sat in a nearby chair where a cute little kid immediately straddled on his lap. The children were clapping their hands in anticipation and Bridgette found herself with no choice but to sing.

She sat down and began to touch the keys.

♬♪ I'm no longer loved by you,
I'm no longer needed by you.
And thus, just like this...I'm alone... ♩♪

Seiran flinched as the words came out of Bridgette's lips. It's his first time to hear her sing, but what surprised him were the lyrics of the song. He felt as if Bridgette's trying to tell him something.

♪♩ You were always like that, making me angry and in the end, making me cry. But afterwards you would apologise... I loved your face while doing so. ♪♬

He wondered how many times he'd made her cry and how many times she had forgiven him. It's still very few but the fact that he hurted her remains. Seiran found himself smiling as to how those words perfectly fits them.

What if she loves me? he thought hopefully with that mesmerised look in his eyes.

♪♪ Don't let go...
Hold me tightly, I love you...
say we'll continue being together...
our held hands used to be so warm
and so tender. ♪♪

Bridgette wasn't really thinking about singing the song especially in front of Seiran but she couldn't refuse the girl's request. She was so relieved to see that kids enjoying her performance despite her not-so-good singing skills. She even heard a kid whispering to another 'she almost sounds like Chelly,' and it made her smile.

She almost stopped when she realised that the lyrics of the song was communicating exactly what she's feeling inside and it made her uneasy that Seiran was there, listening to her.

Will my feelings reach you?

I was supposed to publish my new fanfiction but I ended publishing my random chat trippings with Shin-chan.

So if you have time, try reading my new work Random Chat Misadventures. It maybe not funny now, but it'll be hilarious as it progresses.

Thanks for reading TPR as always... Love yah! :)

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