green eyed girl

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AUGUST, 2014

Lydia Hardy had been visiting her husband weekly for the past few months. Walter Hardy had lived longer than the doctors predicted. But time was still running away down the drain. To see his daughter once before he slipped into the dark abyss was all he wished for. Felicia Hardy wasn't so sure she could. Not alone. Something about his voice the day he'd called her. He knew everything. She didn't know how, but he did. Her mind pondered on asking Gwen to go with her, someone that knew about Black Cat and of course would agree to go. But the thought slipped away as quick as it had come. Gwen had her Oxford interview. Felicia didn't need to pull her into this. And so there she was, walking into Peter Parker's room considerably dressed down than she usually was. Peter in question was just climbing through his window in his suit, and believing it was Aunt May he leapt into his bed covering the red and blue with duvet covers.

"I'm naked!" He blurted out before the girl could even step a sneaker clad foot into the disorganized room. His thick eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the girl standing where May should have. He remained staring at her, frozen merrily out of embarrassment.

"Thank you for instilling that image in my head" Felicia rolled her eyes crossing her arms as she peered down at the boy who's head was only visible, giving her an embarrassed grin. Peter's facial expressions softened heaving out a sigh as he leapt out of the bed revealing his suit.

"I thought you were my aunt!" He exclaimed, feeling a kink in his shoulder from the burglary he had just prevented, busy twisting to ease the tension. At this present moment Felicia's emerald eyes studied the boys room, noticing the clear un-presentable state of it. Her gaze stopped at the wall behind him that was covered in newspaper clippings and yellow post it notes. There was red strings hung across, connecting some of the notes and pictures together. Fair to say it looked like the wall of a private detectives agency not a teenage boys. Then again, not every teenage boy was Spider-Man.

"Oh, so you've gone crazy?" Her eyebrows raised turning to him with a questioning look in reference to the wall of chaos. "Y'know normal breakups usually involve eating ice cream until you throw up...not doing whatever this is..." Felicia's gaze fell back onto the wall, interest and curiosity now getting the better of her. She outstretched her hand in a pointing motion behind her "what the hell is all this?" There was no reluctance in his eyes to tell her. In fact he was rather glad she'd came. He needed to confide in someone about his father.

"A while back I found my father's briefcase in the attic. I've been trying to piece things together. I guess...just make some sense of what happened. May told me that a few days after the funeral, a couple of government men came round to the house..They said the genetics research that my father was doing with Norman  was valuable, and that people would pay a lot for it. And that's why he ran off with it. They said he was a traitor. Told Ben and May he betrayed his best friend, all of them, for the money. But I can't believe that..."

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