cat and mouse

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"I'm sorry but Mr Osborn can't come to the phone right now, would you like me to take a message?....." Felicia Hardy's solitary voice rose up in Harry's office a few days later, one hand holding the phone to her ear with the other fighting to get a notepad and pen. However, the speaker on the other side of the phone hung up much to the girls frustration. "nice talkin' to you too" She muttered setting down the phone with a sigh. Between this and the various journalists that had called Oscorp, her patience was wearing thin. On the topic of Harry himself she'd seen him only once that day as he gave her a list of things to do before he hurried out stating he had something to take care of. Unbeknownst to the girl, Harry Osborn was on the other side of the building talking to a concerned Peter Parker about a matter he was determined to keep from her.

Lifting her clip board, files and her handbag she pushed herself off the leather seat ready to go for lunch. However, her black leather bag suddenly knocked over a pot of stationery sitting on Harry's table. Pens tumbled onto the floor causing her to lower to her knees picking them up lackadaisically. On her way back up she noticed an unlocked half opened drawer in his desk that, for someone like Felicia, was calling for her to open. Placing the pens back into the desk tidy and glancing briefly to the glass door, she quickly opened the drawer. The memory device she'd encrypted for Harry was the only thing that sat inside. She'd often wondered what the device contained. It was important to the boy that was for sure by the secrecy around it. And so, her curiosity was peaked. Carefully she turned it in her hands, biting her lips in contemplation. Before her morals could set in she set it down on the table, pressing it so the top of the clear table lit up turning into something of a computer screen. Her eyes scanned down the many files contained, clicking on random names having little understanding of what they meant. However, her fingers stopped tapping upon clicking on the file named 'Eel Lab'. Briefly reading what they were doing with the modified electric eels, she scrolled down to the bottom and one name made her stop. Max Dillon. As if somebody knew what she was up to, heavy footsteps sounded up the hallway towards the office. She quickly closed the device, firing it back into the drawer before ducking behind the desk out of sight. 3 men marched in beginning to look through the many files on shelves, confusing the girl.

"It is adamant that that boy does not find out about special projects...if the venom got into the wrong hands...." The bald man who she knew to be Donald Menken hissed at the other two unfamiliar men who were presumably security, in which they nodded. Felicia Hardy was known for having bad luck and Gwen Stacy's number pinging up on her phone ringing out for everyone to hear was the worst. Feeling her heart beat with adrenaline inside her chest, she shot up, with three pairs of eyes glaring at her.

"Don't just stand there, detain her!" Menken yelled in his gruff voice, urging the other two to move forward. However nobody had time to react as Felicia kicked off her heels jumping onto the desk and then flipping agilely over them to get to the door.

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