~welcome to the neighborhood~

Start from the beginning

And of course behind them all was little Steven, his hands clasped over his mouth with a very guilty expression on his face. "I'm sorry, guys, but garnet saw right through me!"



Centi yowled, brandishing her drooling acid filled beak at the intruders. "You brutes won't get the best of me this time!"

This was a mistake, as the gems took immediate action; the pearl summoning a long, blue spear, the blade glinting in the sun's light, the purple gem pulling out a barbed whip, creating a sharp crack noise in the still air, and the visor gem simply clenching her fists, summoning large metal gauntlets, that shined with intimidating glimmer.

The sight of the weaponry made you gasp in alarm, your midarms wrapping themselves around your abdomen protectively as Centipeedle fluffed out her mane even more, arching herself protectively over your comparatively small form. "Do your worst, gem-poofers!"

They prepared to make their moves, and you shrank back in the growing dread of the situation, a small whine droning in your throat.

"G-Guys, wait!" He exclaimed, dashing forward so he stood between you, arms spread out. "Don't hurt them! They mean no harm!"

"Wha- Steven!?" The pearl asked incredulously, gripping her weapon so tightly that you'd think it would snap. "How long have you known about these things??"

"...a few weeks..." he answered sheepishly, looking down at his hands as he pressed his fingers together.

The pearl reacted with a noise of disbelief and anger, while the small Ameythyst scoffed in disbelief. "Uuh, steve-o, did you forget about the uh, you know... acid spit n' stuff??" The she protested, gesturing to Centipeedle. Then she points at you, who shank back even further. "And who knows what the fluffy dude's there is packin'!"

"I-I know... but... Centi's different, now!" He defended, arms spread out as if he were trying to shield you both. "She just wanted to stay somewhere warm and dry with her partner!"

Pearl scoffed skeptically. "Steven..."

The then refocused her attention on the tall gem desperately. "Please believe me... they won't hurt anyone... please, Garnet?"

There was a tense stare between steven and the gem, garnet as everyone waited for her response. You took this moment to try and calm your tensed lover down, nuzzling her gently and urging her to relax, while she just urged you to stay down, keeping her focus on the four strangers, typically the one with the gauntlets who was staring back at her.

Unbeknownst to you both, here eyes were switching between her and you for a brief moment. And with a flash, her gauntlets suddenly disappeared.

"Alright." She replied calmly.

"EXCUSE ME!?" The pearl was certainly not pleased with this. "Garnet! You can't be serious!?"

Garnet took a few steps back, crossing her arms with a shrug. "We scared them first."

"Yeah, but... Centipeedle kinda attacked us first, remember??" The purple gem reminded, clearly miffed at the decision as well.

"NO! You attacked me first! I was just trying to sun myself!" Centipeedle hissed crossly, eye narrowing in annoyance. Of course, this wasn't understood by the gems as they flinched at her protest.

"See?! We can't have these things living under our house!" The pearl argued, gesturing to you both furiously with a free hand.

"Aw, come on guys! Give them a chance..." Steven urged waving his arms for emphasis. "Maybe we can help them in a different way!"

These words made you feel a light warmth in your chest.

You never thought you'd be so thankful for a small organic child, but here you were.

"Th-thank... you, steven..."

The group gasps, apparently not expecting to hear your rasped, but still feminine voice. Steven turned to you and nodded, smiling warmly at you.

"It... it can talk?" Pearl uttered, lowering her weapon in newfound disbelief.

"Yeah!" Steven chirped excitedly, beaming brightly at the trio behind him. "Centi kept (name) from forgetting how to talk!"

You nodded again, straightening up to bow your head to them respectfully. "We mean no harm. We just seek shelter. Nothing more."

Garnet stared again for a short period of time, before adjusting her visor and nodded. "Very well. You can stay."

"GARNET!?" Pearl exclaimed, dropping her spear to grip her head in dismay.

"Just be mindful of us." Garnet simply stated, ignoring pearl's blatant discomfort.

You nodded gratefully. "We will... Thank you, Garnet."

She nods and makes her way to the stairs. "Welcome to the neighborhood." With that, she walks back up the stairs, while her teammates follow behind her.

"Haha! Sick!" The small Ameythyst exclaimed in excitement, dispelling her whip as she bounded up the stairs. "Corrupt gem neighbors that can talk!"

The pearl just stormed up the stairs behind her colleagues, too indignant to speak.

Steven watched them leave, for a moment before turning to you and flashing a thumbs up with a big goofy smile.

You smiled I turn, returning his gesture to him, while Centi relaxed herself again.

That was easy.

Centipeedle x mother Corrupt gem reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now