LEGO Colosseum

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"Hey Annabeth! Guess what I jut got?" Leo shouted across the camp. He had just gotten the LEGO Colosseum set, and was hoping Annabeth would help him out. He knew she needed a break, and this was the best way Leo saw fit to let her relax,
"This is awesome!" Annabeth squealed out of excitement.

"I know, right!?" Leo squealed just as loudly. This was the biggest LEGO set either of them had ever built.

Leo was beyond ecstatic to see Annabeth so carefree and relaxed. Just seeing her small grin as the pieces connected made him smile. She'd been overloaded with designing the rest of Olympus and trying to get Percy back.

But Leo had also been overworked on building the Argo II on time. The daunting task haunted his dreams, as well as his nightmares, which would never go away.

The final build was stunning. With just over 9,000 pieces, the massive model was worth every penny (even though it was over $550(USD)😬). Even though this was a minuscule moment in history, Leo and Annabeth  both knew their friendship would last a lifetime.
This is so cringe.
Hey y'all! Happy new year! ...or February 22... Sorry I haven't updated in a while, this new year sucked so far. I would also appreciate ideas for some other oneshot books (and stories?) I plan to put out soon. Ideas would help for any of those as well. I'm sorry I've been so out of task, but I'm hoping to be able to update a lot more. It's just hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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