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This was requested by @riptide2406 though I kinda made it so that they are already friends. Hope that's ok! Sorry this was late, I've been having to do stuff at home for Diwali, tests, and the (Gujarati) New Year.
"Nico! Wake up!" Annabeth shouted into the dark cabin. Nico was still in bed, even though they were supposed to meet up half an hour ago. Annabeth was expecting this though. Because Nico did this every. Dam. Time.

She went to Percy to get a bucket of cold water to dump on Nico's head, as she usually had to do to wake Nico up. You would thing she would come prepared by now. Many people  found is strange how Nico and Annabeth were such close friends, but it never seemed odd to either of them.

After they come home, Nico had introduced her to Mythomagic, and with her strategic mindset (thanks Athena), it worked out perfectly. They had weekly tournaments every Wednesday, which is why Annabeth was tasked to wake Nico up at this very moment.

She returned to the cabin and dumped the water on the small boy. He woke up, though he carried a confused look on his face.

"Again? Really? Why?"

"Because your late for out weekly tournament. Again."

"Sorry Wise Girl. At least I look like I showered."

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"Oh would ya look at that, I won. Again!"

"Oh shut it Skull Head, we both know I'm going to beat you next time."

Nico and Annabeth were walking back to Camp from the water. Annabeth always made Percy make an air bubble underwater for them to play. Turns out people don't enjoy competitive... arguments at 8:00am. But that was ok. They liked spending time with each other. Whether it was training, campfires, or just hanging out, they were always together.

At the end of the day, they decided to have a movie night in the Hades Cabin. Nico made the blanket fort and Annabeth brought the pillow pets and snacks. They both wore there onesies, Nico with a black skeleton one and Annabeth with a mermaid one she stole from Percy.          

Annabeth loved  movie nights because she could show Nico movies that he never knew about. She loved sharing her favorites with Nico. Tonight's movie was Hocus Pocus, something Annabeth was sure Nico would love.       

By the time they finished the movie, it was midnight. They were gone be super tired the next morning, but it would totally be worth it. Hocus Pocus is a classic! They decided to sleep in the fort itself, being that they were super tired and lazy.

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Hey y'all! So I decided that I want to have this book as only the characters hanging out and stuff that doesn't fit in a person x person oneshot book. I'll still accept requests for them, but I'll have them written and stored until I have enough prewritten stuff for a book.

I'll keep the stuff I've already written here about that though. But yeah. Feel free to leave ideas though!

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