The bread doesn't taste that bad. I am supposing humans really like this type of cheesy food. The bread's crust is golden and there's a hint of smoke in its flavour. The companion greenish juice is very cold and sweet, yet sour.

Silence. So much silence.

It's early in the morning, and they are eating, so they might be susceptible to anything I ask them to do. My mind goes back to the portals - maybe they could agree to teach me about them right now. Or they can at least tell me what is the thing I apparently need; the sling ring. I do not see any rings on their hands. If they had the sling ring on it would make everything easier for me.

I finish my bread, and take a sip of juice. The ice in it clunks. —Teach me how to make portals with your magic. —

—No. —

It did not work. —At least tell me what a sling ring is, Strange. —I whine.

He shakes his head, eating his second bread. —And I won't show it to you because I know what you can do with just taking a look. —

—I don't know what you are talking about. —I look at Wong, —Please? —

One of his eyebrows raises. —I suppose that's where the book on portals went. —

With a groan, I lay my head on my arms and table. Both of the men sound amused. From here I can see something, though, something under the table; Strange's belt. And, tied to his belt, the weird looking ring I have seen them wear before. Oh, now I can see it properly. It is meant to be used on two fingers at the same time. It is golden, and a little bit squared, with lines, circles, and edges similar to most magical decorations here. I could replicate it. I can replicate it.

I carefully memorize the details on the ring, and smile, moving my head back up and hoping for them not to notice. They don't.

—So, Star, —Strange smirks, —How has your bedroom treated you so far? —

Wong rolls his eyes, I don't know why. I shrug. —It's good. By the way, I noticed it's the furthest from yours, and I am not dumb, I know it was on purpose. —

He smiles, —Yeah, but I see you're not that annoying, so I might move you closer to us. But it's a little small, isn't it? Small rooms get suffocating. —

As I said, it's not very small. Maybe his room is bigger and he is exaggerating. —Compared to my room in Asgard, yes, of course. But it's not the smallest room I have lived in. It's not that suffocating. —

He does not answer immediately, though, instead frowning and giving Wong a look. I frown too. He leans forward. —What other rooms have you had, Star? —

—Well, —I start counting with my hand, —As I mentioned, my room in Asgard - that one was huge. Especially in height, I couldn't reach the roof even by climbing. When I was younger I shared a room with Father for some time, and before that I was kept in an Asgardian cell for a few days, but that is unimportant. Then back in Sabrina's coven my room was tiny. Like, a bed could barely fit. The coven was not big. In comparison this one is not that bad. —

Strange sighs, running his hands over his face. —Wong, give us a minute. —

Us two get teleported to the hall, right in front of my room's door. He looks at me for a second, then opens it, going inside and looking around. —This isn't small for you? —

—No? —

It has a small bed, a bookshelf, a window, and the restroom which I don't even use that much. A room does not need more, does it? I can move around. That's enough.

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