A Kitten's Interlude!

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Baekhyun's POV Three Weeks after the attack!

Baekhyun sits up in the bed he shares with Chanyeol at what he sees on the television and the subtitles he can read, finally feeling that anxiety ebb away at what he sees on the screen! He can feel the tension and stress of the last two weeks he's been home leach out of his body, it refreshing to not be afraid of his own shadow. For the nightmares of Adam's sneering face, to be finally be replaced by happiness, a happiness that will allow him finally fully plan their wedding! He can't help but squeeze the hand of his current companion his brother Luhan, as they watch Adam Wu finally getting frogged marched into the police station, more then a 100 flashes going off every second that vile cockroach moves!

Admittedly he wished the man was already dressed in head to toe orange but will settle for the rough housing he can see! That is before his head starts to throb, grabbing his second brand new phone he can see it's not even midday! Midday is the time he can take his next dose of painkillers, if Chanyeol finds out hes asked for the stronger painkillers the doctor sent him home with, his gorgeous man will be home within 10 minutes instead of being a part of Adam's welcoming committee! Chanyeol will race back, possibly bringing his families doctor with him to do yet another check up, Baekhyun is beyond grateful for all his gentle giants support, and care but bringing home the doctor again will be a little overkill. Not that he blames Chanyeol for his over protectiveness, it's only this last week that his gentle giant has left his side, and that's only because Sehun had to push him out the door.

Baekhyun is no fool he's been very lucky Adam's viscous deliberate attack could of cost him more then his injuries. Yes he's been left with a broken leg, had to go through the excruciating pain of having his shoulder manipulated back in to its socket, with minimal pain relief! Required stitches to the hairline at the base of his skull from where his head hit the pavement, he still can't describe what it felt like to be concussed. 

For a short while after he came round he was beyond scared at waking in strange room, all alone with a doctor he didn't know. Anxious as he struggled to understand the doctor with his sluggish lip reading ability due to the blurred vision and pounding headache. All he knows is that concussion has slightly altered his plan for the implant he wanted, he managed to discreetly meet his audiologist whilst still in the hospital unbeknownst to his fiancé. It was all thanks to Jongdae and Sehun's scheming mind, those two men could rule the world with their no nonsense approach!

The audiologist had sadly advised him that because he had a concussion, he could not locate that he recognised any sound frequency! Crushing his dreams to try again with the cochlea implant in-time for the wedding. It hurt to discover the only thing he wanted next to marrying the man of his dreams may not be possible! To say he was fuming was an understatement, he was so angry he just burst in too tears. He admits he found that advice hard to bare and so unfair! He finally found the strength to brave and try again with the implant, only for Adam to take that away from him too! He couldn't bare the thought of giving up and had pleaded with the Audiologist if there was anything they could try.

As of right now he's waiting for his next audiologist appointment, in six weeks to see if he would qualify for the new hybrid style implant, the ones just like grommets! The audiologist has yet to come back to him but rather then fall in to a black hole, he decided that he would remain as positive as possible!

Baekhyun knows his time at the hospital wasn't really all sunshine and roses, but also not completely doom and gloom either. Adam didn't succeed in executing his plans fully, yes he had to stay in hospital for a week, but his broken leg is healing nicely and wont require surgery. He. just needs to be in a full leg cast for 8 weeks. His concussion almost fully healed, the back of his neck and base of his skull still tendre, there is no bleed on the brain all in all he's very lucky. Lucky too to have the support he has, his fiancé that constant pillar of strength.

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