"I-I mean, I'm still confused. Why me? I was actually mean and I hurt you, after all of this, why would you want me as your best woman?"

"Well," he scratched the back of his ear, "Despite our history, you're my best friend. It wouldn't feel right to have my guy best friend be my best man, when I have one of the best friends I could ask for, please."

Being all hesitant about this, she looked at the tux and back at her friend. She almost teared up over this, "I feel like I don't deserve this."

"But you do. Now, please make it quick, it's almost time. I want you to have enough time to get ready."

"I'll do it." She responded as she went into a dressing room and changed out of her dress as she threw it out of the dressing room. With only five minutes to spare, she came out with an all out black tux with a pink bow tie around her neck. "So... how do I look?"

He smiled at his best friend as she looked for a full body mirror and admired how she looked. "You look great."

"I know I do! No offense to the dress, but this is so much easier!" She exclaimed as she tried to get into the out fit and stretch it out a bit.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Nope. But it will help me let it move aside for the time being." Uraraka didn't say it shamelessly as she looked back at him.


"Okay... not gonna lie. I look sexy in a suit. Heh. What do you know? The moment I'm a bridesmaid and now I'm the best woman. Take that Melissa! Ha! Take that!" Uraraka shouted and had her eyes on the ceiling.

"Uh, what are you looking at?"

"Shut up!"


"We can go now. I'm done looking at myself." Uraraka finished up and looked at herself in the mirror one last time. Yaoyorozu, Shinso, and Midoriya went over to the door, letting Uraraka catch up with the others. The dressing room now became fully empty.

The groomsmen are up to go first and head for the altar. They all saw that the ones who were late were running and made it to the group. "No questions asked, Uraraka is the best woman, deal with it. Alright, let's get out there!" Midoriya quickly said and just as he said, no questions were asked. Aoyama attempted to ask, "If you ask, I won't hesitate to kick you out of the wedding." Aoyama closed his mouth and held his head down.

One by one, each of the groomsmen walked one at a time. The order went from Koda, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, Aoyama, Iida, Monoma, Shinso. When it was Uraraka's turn she felt a bit nervous. What if they'll judge her? She felt something on her shoulder and found it to be Inko.

"Don't be shy, you're gonna be great. This is your moment to shine," she reassured as she headed for her seat. Uraraka gave her a smile, but frowned as she left. She saw that the bridesmaids were waiting for who the best man was.

Taking deep breaths, in and out. She closed her eyes, then opened them up quickly. "You got this." Her feet and body then moved on their own. There were a lot of shocking gasps and some wide eyes that gave off a look of surprise.

Uraraka didn't bat an eye at anyone as she continued walking with a proud smile on her face. As she made it to the altar, she stood next to Shinso. "PST!" Someone whispered loudly, she looked around and tried to find where the voice came from. "Uraraka!" The sound came from one of the bridesmaids and it was Setsuna. She waved at her and gave Uraraka a thumbs up, "You look great!"

She replied with a head nod. Shinso tapped on her shoulder to get her attention and helped put her hair in a ponytail. He motioned for her to turn, so he could put the ponytail on. Midoriya walked up and made it to the altar. Now all that's left was for the bride to walk down the aisle.

The Wedding Planner's Affair-Wedding AU(Bakudeku/Dekubaku)Where stories live. Discover now