"It's just a few drops. If that is her blood, she wouldn't die from losing that much." He stood back up.

"But, there hasn't been any blood left from the other victims. Why Mai?" John asked aloud.

"There also hasn't been any disappearances in the day." Ayako noted.

"But why?" Riku added, as Yasuhara's eyes widened.

"Because Mai knows something she shouldn't know..."


Back at base, the group sat, trying to figure out what was happening. Also, what did Naru figure out that always took the rest of the team much longer?

"Has anyone else been toying with the possibility that the cause may be human, not spirit?" Monk asked after a moment.

"What makes you say that?" Riku asked, astonished.

"Masako, you haven't felt anything malicious, as far as spirits go. Have you?"

She shook her head, and a memory came to her. "Mai asked me the same sort of question yesterday."

"Do you think she came to the same conclusion? That's why she has disappeared?" The priestess cocked her head.

"It's quite possible, but we don't have any idea who could be the culprit. Though I am fairly sure our dear Riku is guilty," Yasuhara added.

"Please tell me none of you think I would kidnap my own sister? My parents already have enough to deal with, their son being a criminal, would just..." the boy sighed.

"Yasuhara! The kid already has enough stress!" Ayako scolded. "Don't worry none of us think you did it."

"Still, we have no leads," the medium stated, getting everyone on track.

"Well, I know Mai had a dream last night," Ayako replied.

"Did she explain it to you?" Monk asked.

"No, well, not really she kept mumbling, about Dai and his death. Then she said something about brown hair."

"That limit's the lists of suspects," Monk retorted sarcastically.

"What was that!" THUNK!


"As entertaining as it is to watch you two bicker like an old married couple, can we get back to the topic at hand?" Yasuhara suggested, earning him a couple of glares.


"Anyway, we have no witnesses to the disappearances," Masako interrupted.

"Actually, we sort of have two," John confessed sheepishly.

"When were you planning to tell us!" Monk exclaimed, smacking his head.

"Who are the witnesses? Maybe they forgot to tell you something," Riku offered, hoping to find some sort of lead.

"Come to think of it, Itsuko barely talked," John answered, causing the workaholic to turn back to the group.

"Father Brown, find Nori and Itsuko, take Riku with you. Bring them here, I have a couple more questions." The two nodded and left the room.


"We already talked to you! What more do you want!" Nori huffed, turning away in his seat.

"Was there anything else that happened the nights Oscar and Wakana went missing?" Naru asked, ignoring the protests of the boy.

"I already told you what I know!" Nori refused to look at his interrogator.

"Are you sure?"

"Where's Miss Mai?" Itsuko asked.

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