"Or one of the children trying to warn her what will happen if she stays." Mai tooked the tissue gratefully.

"If you think I'm going to leave, you obviously have learned nothing of me in the last year I've worked for you," Mai said, defiantly.

"I was merely going to tell you to be more careful, if we're dealing with a powerful spirit, even sending you away will be of no use. You know far too much. And you're still of some use to me," Naru retorted with his narcissistic attitude. A smirk lightly appeared on his face and he saw his employee's reaction.

"Well, I'm glad there's at least a good reason you keep me around," Mai answered, her eyes narrowed into slits. Naru turned in his seat glancing at his notebook, smirking playfully.

"Get some rest, Mai, you haven't been feeling well," he said simply, going to the monitors.

The tiny brunette was shocked yet again, she stared at her boss as he reviewed some of the footage from earlier that day. "Father Brown, go with her."

"O-okay?" Mai could only mutter as she and the Australian priest walked straight out of the cabin.

"Mai? Are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost?" John asked innocently, suddenly realizing the irony of his words. "Sorry, wrong choice of words." he apologized sheepishly.

Mai laughed. "It's fine, it's just, nothing is making sense with this camp. What do you think?"

"I don't get it either, this isn't something innocent like back in December with Kenji. There's something dark going on," John commented.

"Do you think it's a spirit? Or more like that monster, Urado?"

"I'm not sure, Masako doesn't seem to sense anything more than children, but it could be like the Urado case."

A bell rang and children scurried past the two investigators, racing to be first in line for dinner. "Let's get some dinner, maybe we can think of something."


"Hey, Masako, can I speak with you for a sec?" Mai asked politely, as the two excused themselves from the table.

"What is it, Mai?" the porcelain doll-like girl asked, after Mai had lead the two out of the Mess Hall and closer to Base.

"Have you sensed anything here?" Mai asked, hoping for any leads.

"Just the spirits of the children, why?" she answered through her kimono sleeve.

"Is it possible for there to be something like Urado around here, and you to not notice it?"

She shook her head. "Impossible. I couldn't sense Urado too well, because of the other spirits he trapped in that mansion. Out here in the open, surely I would be able to sense something."

"Are you sure? It couldn't just be hiding and you missed it?"

"Are you doubting my abilities?" Masako retorted with a huff.

"No, I'm just trying to-"

"I've had enough, you've wasted enough of my time," he retorted coldly behind her kimono sleeve.

"I'm just trying to make sense of everything!" Mai nearly shouted. Realizing how loud she unwillingly had gotten, looked around before continuing. "Things aren't the way it should be. There are too many questions without answers. I was hoping you could give me some."

"I just did."

"Excuse me?"

"Try using your brain without hurting yourself and you might figure it out." She walked back to the Mass Hall to finish her dinner.

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