"We're going to be on a website?" the other boy exclaimed in delight, as the other looked with suspicion.

"No we're not, she's lying," he retorted bitterly, Mai knelt down to his level. He had to be about eight or nine.

"What's your name? And what makes you think I'm lying?" she asked, cocking her head.

"I just know! Don't treat me like an idiot!" The boy stomped off.

"Nori! Wait up!" the other boy shouted, rushing after him.

She stood back up watching the two boys race off. "That was odd..."


She carried a steaming cup of tea back to Base, deep in thought. She didn't even mind that her boss never thanked her for her services, surprising her co-workers. "Mai? Are you okay?" Monk asked, breaking her trance.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, turning to the group. "Isn't it almost time for the bonfire? Aren't the 'counselors' supposed to get there first?"

Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to think. Finally, Monk sighed standing up. "You win this time, girlie..." He headed for the door, messing with Mai's hair as he walked by, making her pout.

"Hey!" she shouted, racing after him. Everyone else followed them.


"Alright! Seven to nine year olds! AKA cabins 3, 14, 18, 22, and 11! Time for you guys to hit the hay!" Tamotsu called out, ordering the grumbling children back to their cabins. "Counselors Miyuko, Ayako, Arata, Michi, and Yuu, cabin check!"

"I guess that's my cue?" The priestess stood up and followed her redhaired roommate to the cabins.

"Wow, that's about thirty kids!" Mai whispered in awe, as Riku came to sit next to her.

"Yeah, the seven to nine year kids are just a little under half the kids we have here, the rest are ten to twelve."

"What happens now?" Mai asked him, as Riku roasted a marshmallow.

"Camp tradition," one of the counselors replied, the boy from dinner to be exact. He held a flashlight to his face. "Ghost stories! Would you like to do the honors. Mai?"

What was his name? I swear he told me it at supper... Mai thought frantically. "Thanks, Daisuke, but I couldn't-"

"Oh come on, Mai! Go for it!" Monk chided, as Daisuke handed her the flashlight.

One of the female counselors quieted the children down so they could pay attention. Mai knew exactly which story to tell. She had the perfect voice for it. "You see, a friend of mine was in the bathroom at school. Rumors had gone around about how the last stall had been cursed, she didn't believe it. Curses don't exist, right?" Mai started, shining the flashlight around at the children. They shook their heads, listening intently.

"She was just about to leave the stall when a voice whispered in her ear, 'would you like a red coat?'" Her voice had gone two octaves lower and she spoke slowly, adding emphasis. The counselors returned silently, wanting to hear the tale.

"Terrified, she didn't even answer and ran out of there. She alerted the principal and though he didn't believe her, asked the local police officers to check it out, thinking it was some sort of prank from the seniors. A man and a woman were sent over. The woman had the man wait outside, stating she could handle this. He did just that."

Mai's voice got quieter, gathering the group's attention, even that of her boss. "It took a while, but the policewoman stayed in the last stall until finally, 'Would you like to wear a red coat?' The woman was startled, but certainly there was a speaker somewhere. She stood her ground. 'Sure! Give it to me! Red's my favorite color!' she mocked.

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