The boy ran away again, this time Mai followed. "Hold on a minute! Maybe I can help!" Mai called out.

"You're not safe! Go back while you still can!" the boy shouted, heading towards a brightly lit door.

The boy ran through the opening and Mai followed, beyond the bright light was a log cabin. It was early morning, the sun just starting to rise, Mai could make out two figures in the window. She walked over to hear what was going on. "What do you mean Emi isn't here!" a man's voice scolded, trying very hard not to be too loud.

"I'm sorry, sir, I woke up this morning and she was just...gone..." a younger woman's voice replied, frantically.

"Miss?" the boy materialized behind Mai again.

"Who are you?"

"Leave, you're not safe!" the boy urged. Mai could tell he didn't want to be there at that time, he kept looking around.

"Maybe there's something I can do," Mai replied, trying to be comforting.

"No! Just leave!"

That was when Mai felt the Earth shake.

"Do you ever sleep when you're home?" Mai heard Naru ask as she fell onto his seat while he got out of the car.

Mai let out a small shriek as she hit the cushion. "As I recall, my sleeping has helped us on a few cases," Mai grumbled, earning a slight smirk as her boss walked away.

Something occurred to Mai at that moment. She had fallen on to his seat. Why? A blush crept up into her cheeks as realization occurred. She had fallen asleep on Naru!

On any normal occasion, she would have screamed, but today she had work to be done. Seeing that the rest of the team was waiting for her, Mai rushed out and headed with the group into a cabin.


"Welcome, and thank you all for coming in at such short notice," an older man said, bowing as everyone else bowed and sat down in the office. "I am Tamotsu Samurakami this is my wife, Hisako. Together we run this camp."

His voice... Mai thought remembering her dream. He was the man in my dream.

"I am Kazuya Shibuya, we spoke over the phone," Naru introduced as usual.

"The rumors of your young age, is true, I am glad to see that today's youth has been able to so successful," Hisako replied with a smile.

"Excuse me, but could you please give us an idea of what's been happening?" Monk asked.

"Yes," Tamotsu sighed, leaning forward on his desk. "We opened this camp about seven years ago, everything was fine until things started happening about four years after we opened this place."

"You see, on the final day of camp three years ago, a young boy, Dai, was picked up by his parents. He didn't live too far from here, so his parents thought it was fine that when he realized he left something around here. He could take a few friends and walk through the woods to get here," Hisako continued.

"However, Dai went missing. His friends were able to find what he had left, it was a medallion his father had given him, outside the cabin he stayed in. A search party was made and we eventually..."

"We found poor Dai's body in the river about a week later."

"This place was under investigation, but it was deemed that his death was an accident. That Dai fell down the hill, breaking his neck in the process, and rolled into the river."

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