Chapter 18~ Time of Death

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One of the clouds of of white smoke swooped down and landed right in front of Harry, between he and Lucius. Harry almost jumped for joy. IT WAS SIRIUS!!!

"Get away from my godson." Sirius said to Lucius. He punched Lucius in the face, grabbed Harry's wrist, and dragged him to a corner. Harry was shocked. Did that just happen? Did his godfather really just punch a Death Eater without hesitation? THAT WAS SO COOL!!!

"Harry, listen to me." said Sirius. "That letter was a fake. Some Death Eaters forged it with Remus' handwriting to lure you hear. I want you to gather up all the other students you brought and get out of here."

"What? No, I'm staying with you." said Harry. He wasn't going to leave his godfather here to get killed.

"You've done beautifully." said Sirius, looking Harry directly in eye. "Now let me take it from here."

Sirius ran out of their hiding spot and joined the Order in the fight. Ginny, Luna, and Hermione were hidden behind a rock. Harry tried to run there with them but a spell was shot in his direction and he missed it by an inch. He hid behind a different rock. Suddenly they heard something like glass chattering. Harry turned his head to see that Lucius had dropped the prophecy and it had chattered. Yes!

The room was utter chaos. Tonks was following around Bellatrix, who was flying around cackling at her niece, throwing every spell she had ever learnt at her. Sirius and Kingsley were side by side fighting Lucius and some other Death Eater. Mad Eye had just taken out three. And Remus and the rest were trying to protect the kids. The Death Eater Kingsley was fighting had hit him with a Stunning Spell and it was now two against Sirius. Harry couldn't help himself. He came out of his hiding spot. And started helping Sirius by duelling with Lucius. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sirius took out the other Death Eater and took on Lucius himself, stepping in front of Harry. He hit Lucius with a Disarming Charm followed by a Reductor Curse. He was laughing hysterically at his win. But little did he know Bellatrix was still roaming around.

She flew around the room once or twice, no one noticing her, and landed on top of a rock. She pointed her wand at someone.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" she shrieked. That someone was hit squarely in the chest. They swayed on the spot for a moment, before falling through the black veil. Harry waited for that someone to come right back out again.

He waited. He was getting a little annoyed. He didn't fly all the way out here so that someone could pretend to be dead. Unless they really were dead. He looked at Bellatrix, who was grinning proudly at the damage she had done, and then back at the veil. No. He couldn't believe it. There was no possible way this person was dead. This person couldn't be dead. There was no way. When Harry had waited nearly a minute for this person to come back out, he realized this person was gone. They were dead. But he couldn't quite believe it. He could feel a hatred for Bellatrix growing inside him more powerful than any other hatred he had for anyone else. More powerful than the one he had for Dudley, Uncle Vernon, and Aunt Petunia combined.

"No. RON!!" Harry shouted looking at the veil. Harry attempted to run towards the veil but Sirius held him back. He grabbed him by the waist and wouldn't let go.

"Harry! I know it hurts but just wait." said Sirius. Bellatrix went back to the main hall in the Ministry and Harry tried to follow but Sirius' grip was too tight on him. "Hey. I grew up with your father. Do you think I can't hold you back if I could hold him back?" Harry gave up. His best friend was dead. And there was nothing he could do about it. He wasn't even aloud to avenge his death.

Harry coudn't handle it. He started sobbing right then and there. He dropped to his knees. He was sobbing harder than he'd ever sobbed before. Hermione ran up to him and kneeled down beside. She was sobbing as well. She hugged him on the floor and everyone was circled around them. They knew not to interrupt because they had just lost their best friend. But Ginny was no where near them. Harry opened his eyes and found Ginny far away from the group balling her eyes out. Harry took Hermione's hand and dragged her over to where Ginny was sat. Seamus, Dean, and Neville started talking grimly together and some of the Order started planning how they were going to get out of the Ministry, but all Sirius could think of was how the other Weasleys were going to take this. Especially Molly. She had already lost one son this year. Percy.

Harry and Hermione sat on either side of Ginny. Harry put his arm around her and Hermione held her hand. The three of them sat there crying for quite a while until Dumbledore showed up. He looked around at all the Order members and students. His eyes found Harry, Ginny, and Hermione and asked what had happened. None of them could bring themselves to say it, and Sirius understood, so he quietly told Dumbledore what had went down.

"I would like everyone to listen." said Dumbledore, addressing the people still in the room. "Lord Voldemort was hear not long ago. He was here just long enough for the Minister and Aurors to spot him. I doubt they can kid themselves any longer. Lord Voldemort has gone and no one else has died tonight. I shall side-along apparate with the present students to take them back to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore made his way towards the three students sitting on the ground sobbing. He crouched down and took Harry by the shoulders.

"We shall have a funeral for Mr. Weasley and if you like, the three of you, along with the Weasley twins, may say a few words." he told them. Harry nodded, allowing a few more tears to roll down his face before helping Ginny and Hermione to their feet. Hermione held his hand to support him and before they knew it, they were all taken back to Hogwarts.


Let me start off by saying IM REALLY SORRY!!! I told you all you'd hate me for chapter 18. Anyway, the story isn't over yet. Keep reading! Don't leave me just because I killed Ron. It's not my fault. I wanted drama. Besides, I don't really like Ron. If any of you hate Ron ad much as I do, let me know I'm not the only one. Thx for reading <3

Love from

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