Chapter 2~ New Home

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Sirius and Harry had disapparated to a cave near Hogsmeade Sirius new about. This would be their home for a while.

Because of the pressure of Apparition, Harry was crying.

Sirius held Harry tighter than he had ever before. But not in a manner that would make Harry cry more, he was comforting him.

Harry cried for a while before he finally fell asleep. Sirius conjured a blanket with his wand and wrapped Harry in it. He conjured a crib and set Harry down in it.

Ok. What now.

Sirius new he would be all over the Daily Prophet by the next morning. Everyone believed he had betrayed Lily and James and Hagrid will have told Dumbledore how he apparated away.

He would have to stay hidden from the Ministry. And he had to hide Harry with him. He was the closest thing he had left to James, to Prongs.

"Prongslet." whispered Sirius, stroking Harry's hair fondly "Don't worry. I'll take care of you. I promise."

*next morning*

Sirius had fallen asleep next to Harry, who was now awake.

Sirius woke up and started panicking.

How am I supposed to take care of him if we live in a cave. And how do I give him the childhood he deserves. Maybe I should have thought this out more.

Harry looked at Sirius' miserable expression. He tilted his head and smiled in an attempt to make Sirius smile. Harry was looking deep into Sirius' eyes.



"Sirius." said Lily, as she watched him walk out of the fireplace.

"You wanted a word?" Sirius asked his best friends.

"Yes." said James "Please, Sirius, take a seat." he indicated one of the chairs set around the kitchen table.

"Okay." said Sirius, uncertainly. Last time James had asked him to 'take a seat' he was appointed best man at the Potters' wedding.

"Sirius, we'd like to ask you a favour." said Lily, kindly.

"Anything." Sirius said.

"We'd like you to be Harry's godfather.

Gobsmacked. That's what Sirius was.

"You-you want me to be... Harry's godfather?" Sirius stuttered.

"Yes." said James.

"We trust you." said Lily.

Sirius looked at Lily's baby bump and right then and there, he decided.

"Of course." he told them.

James and Lily both smiled widely and Sirius was laughing.

He couldn't wait until the day his godson would be born.


Sirius now looked at the boy in front of him. He looked so happy. He wished he could be that happy. He didn't think he would ever be happy again.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack from the middle of the cave. There stood Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore!" exclaimed Sirius. He immediately grabbed Harry and held him in a manner that said 'don't touch him'.

"Relax, Sirius." said Dumbledore "I have simply come to speak with you."

"What do you want. And if it's Harry, don't even bother because I'm not giving him to you." said Sirius.

"Sirius. Do not worry. I have not come to take Harry from you." said Dumbledore, putting both his hands in the air as if to say 'I mean no harm'.

This reassured Sirius a little because he had never known Dumbledore to lie, even to someone he believed to be a Death Eater. But he didn't loosen his grip on Harry.

"What is it then?" he asked.

"I would simply like to inform you that, even if I believe you are innocent, the Ministry is very hard to convince." said Dumbledore "You are now wanted by the Ministry and every wizard, witch, goblin, and elf is on the look-out for you. Even Muggles have been warned of you."

"Wait. Did you just say... you believe I'm innocent?" asked Sirius, astonished.

"As I am sure you know by now Sirius, it is very difficult to, how you say, 'get things past me'. I was aware of the switch in secret keepers. And now, you should know, the real culprit died."

"What?!?!" Sirius nearly shouted. Harry jumped "What do you mean he died?"

"The Ministry made their way to his house and found blood. All over the place. They couldn't find his body, all they did find was his finger." Dumbledore explained.

Sirius put Harry down and let him play with the rocks on the floor.

"Sir. He faked it. He faked his death. He didn't die. I went to his house before I picked up Harry. There was no sign of struggle. Anywhere. He knew I would want revenge on him so he decided to 'disappear' the filthy rat." said Sirius.

"That may be Sirius. But until we can prove your innocence, it will be very difficult to prove that Peter is guilty. Until then, I am afraid you and Harry will have to live here. Where it is safe for the both of you." said Dumbledore.

"You're letting me keep him?" asked Sirius.

"Well, I hardly think you will allow me to take him, either way. Now, Sirius, listen closely." Dumbledore said seriously "It is extremely important that you stay hidden until proven innocent. You may go get food from Hogsmeade in your animagus form. Yes- I know about that. When it is time for Harry to attend Hogwarts, he will need to keep his identity a secret. No one will know he is Harry Potter. He will say his name is James Piro. James in honour of his father. Before each school year you will cover his scar with a concealment charm. He will say he is a muggle-born to avoid questions about his family. When he is growing up, it is your choice wether or not to tell him the truth about his parents, or wait until he is older. Remember, no one can know Harry Potter is alive. Understood?"

"Yes, sir" said Sirius.

"Please. You are no longer my student. Call me Albus." said Dumbledore with a smile.

"Yes, Albus." chuckled Sirius.

"I will send food here for you and Harry weekly. If either of you need anything, feel free to write to me." he added, conjuring some parchment and quills for Sirius in the corner of the cave. "Good luck, Sirius."

"Thank you, Albus." said Sirius, gratefully.

With another loud crack, the old man was gone. Sirius turned around to face Harry. He conjured a few toys for him and watched as Harry played with them.

When Harry got tired, Sirius conjured a chair, sat on it, took Harry and allowed him to fall asleep in his lap.

"Welcome to your new home Prongslet." he whispered in Harry's ear as he slept.


Here it is. Chapter two. I thought I'd add a flashback to when Sirius was appointed godfather. The next chapter will be 10 years later, when Harry's 11 and it's the year he goes to Hogwarts. Thx for reading. <3

Love from

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