Chapter 9~ Visiting The Ministry

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Harry, Remus, and Petigrew arrived in the beautiful Ministry of Magic. Harry was gobsmacked at the beauty of the place. His jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the beautiful, gold statue of a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf standing in the middle of the huge room.

"Like it, Harry?" said Remus, chuckling.

"Love it." said Harry.

They walked to a wizard behind a desk. He looked up at them and gave a questioning look at the rat in Harry's hand.

"Business?" said the wizard.

"We are hear to prove Sirius Black is innocent." said Remus.

The wizard raised his eyebrows.

"I will talk to the Minister and see what shall be done." said the wizard. He left and didn't come back for ten minutes. Meanwhile, Harry was getting nervous.

"Moony, I don't know about this. What if they just laugh in our faces?" said Harry.

"Don't worry. They won't. A matter as crucial as this will be taken seriously." said Remus.


"No buts. They won't laugh. Remember, we have proof."


The wizard came back.

"If you find Sirius Black and bring him here, we will have a full court straight away." said the wizard.

Remus was going to reply but Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him out of earshot of the wizard.

"What if they take him to Azkaban?" he asked.

"They won't unless we don't have proof. Which we do." said Remus, pointing at the rat.

"Ok." Harry sighed. They walked back to the wizard.

"We will bring Sirius Black here in ten minutes. Alert the Minister. On one condition, of course. That no one jumps to conclusions and lets us present our proof." said Remus.

"I will alert the Minister and warn him of your condition. You may fetch Black, now." said the wizard.

"Thank you." said Remus.

Remus and Harry walked off with Petigrew, still frozen, and side-along-apparated back to Hogsmeade. They ran to the castle, seeing as they didn't have much time. When they finally arrived in Remus' office, they found Hermione reading a book on a chair, Ron talking to Sirius, who wasn't listening, about everything he found out, and Sirius lying on his back on a desk with his head hanging off the edge.

"Sirius. You're needed at the Ministry for a trial." said Remus.

Sirius nearly fell off the desk.

"Lets go then." he said.

Remus and Sirius rushed out but Harry stayed behind a few seconds to say something to Ron and Hermione.

"Cover for me, will you?" he said.

"Sure." said Hermione.

Why do I always have to blush?!

Harry ran behind Sirius and Remus. They arrived in Hogsmeade and immediately disapparated.

This time, when they apparated into the Ministry, all eyes were on them. They stepped forward and many gasps were heard.

"Is that Sirius Black?" people were heard whispering.

They got down to the court rooms and Sirius seemed relieved to be out of public. He hadn't been around this many people for twelve years.

They arrived to a full court room and assumed it was for them.


Thank you all so much for 200 reads! I'm so sorry this chapter is so short. I promise the next one will be longer. I wanted Sirius' Trial put into another chapter so I could make a really ling one. I'll try and update asap. Thx for reading <3

Love from

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