Chapter 7~ Moony

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"Moony!" yelled Harry. He ran for the door.

"What?" said Hermione, following Harry.

Perhaps it was good that no one was in the common room, because Harry running out of the boys' dormitories followed by Hermione could be misinterpreted more than one way.

Harry ran all the way down the spiral staircase, towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher's office. Hermione close on his tail.

Harry burst through the door to Lupin's office. Hermione right behind him. Lupin's head snapped up, when he saw Harry- or James in his mind- his expression softened. He had always liked 'James' because he not only had the same name as his lost best friend, but he also looked like him. (A/n: I wonder why)

Lupin put down his things and looked at Harry and Hermione expectantly. Harry ran all the way up to Lupin's desk until he was standing a foot away from it whereas Hermione stopped in the middle of the office.

"Moony! You're Moony!" Harry nearly yelled while pointing at Lupin straight in the face.

There was a short pause. Lupin took out his wand, shut the door behind Hermione and asked:

"How do you know about that?" Lupin asked.

Harry launched into a story about how Sirius is innocent, Peter Petigrew is guilty, he grew up with Sirius and his identity needs to be kept from the Ministry, otherwise they might make him tell them where Sirius is.

"Well, Jam- Harry, I really don't know what to say. Who else besides the two of you and Sirius knows?" asked Lupin.

"Only Dumbledore. He's been helping supply food for us my whole life." Harry informed.

"Well... Harry, do you mind if I talk to Sirius?" asked Lupin.

"Only if you promise not to tell anyone and that you won't rat us out to the Ministry." Harry said, still not completely convinced that Lupin believed him.

"I swear a wizard's oath, I will not tell a soul." said Lupin.

"Good. We've been living in the Shrieking Shack since this summer. You can come visit him now if you want. I think he'll be really glad to see you. He talks about you often, you know. Always wondering where you've got to." said Harry.

Harry, Hermione, and Lupin made there way through the castle. They were going to see Sirius.

Once they got outside something odd caught their eye. Hermione was a little confused to see a huge black dog running towards them, but Harry and Remus knew who it was right away.

When the black dog spotted Remus, he stopped dead in his tracks. Harry expected him to start running towards Remus any second because he was happy to see him, but he didn't. He was... retreating? Sirius was bending his knees and his ears were down. His back was bent in a way that said 'please don't hurt me' which confused Harry. But Remus seemed to understand.

Remus dropped his wand on the floor. He slowly walked towards Sirius, very cautiously.

"Hey, Padfoot. Long time no see. Don't worry, Harry told me everything. I missed you old friend." said Remus quietly.

Sirius immediately softened. His ears went up, his back went straight, and he started running as fast as he could at Remus. Hermione backed up a few paces.

"Don't worry, Hermione. It's just Padfoot." Harry told her.

Sirius jumped on Remus, knocking him to the ground. Remus laughed and sat up, petting him.

"Wait. Padfoot? Why were you on school grounds? You usually never come here." Harry remembered.

Sirius motioned for them to follow him. He was heading inside the castle.

"We should go to my office. Just to be safe." said Lupin.

Everyone walked up to Lupin's office, getting confused looks in the process. Two students and a dog following a professor through the castle. The students probably think we snuck Padfoot into the school or something and we're getting punished for it.

They arrived in Remus' office and as soon as he locked the door, Sirius took his human form again. He grabbed Remus in a suffocation hug. They were laughing and saying things like 'I've missed you' and 'Moony and Padfoot, together again'. When they finally let go, Sirius turned to Harry.

"Harry. You wanted to know why I'm here." said Sirius.


Sirius took a shrivelled up piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Harry. It was a picture from the Daily Prophet. Harry opened up the piece of paper and looked at it. It was a picture of the Weasleys in Egypt.

"Oh yeah. The Weasleys used the 700 Galleons prize they won from the Ministry to visit Bill in Egypt. So?" said Harry, confused.

"Look at your friend, Ron." Sirius ordered.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Harry.

"Harry... look closely." said Sirius. Harry obeyed and looked at Ron very attentively. He was wearing some Egyptian robes and he had Scabbers on his shoulder.

"Ok... all I see is him and Scabbers." said Harry.

"Scabbers? Is that what they call that thing? Doesn't matter. Look at the rat's paw, Harry." said Sirius. Again, Harry did as he was told.

He looked at Scabbers' paw and noticed the paw with the missing toe.

"He's always been like that." he informed.

"What is it." asked Lupin.

"Take a look, Moony." said Sirius, taking the picture from Harry and handing it to Remus "A little too familiar for comfort."

"He's missing a... toe." said Remus, knowingly. He looked up at Sirius as if he suddenly understood something "All they could ever find of Peter Petigrew was his-"

"Finger." finished Sirius.

"Sirius... you don't think..."

"It's obvious isn't it. Petigrew has been posing as 'Scabbers' for twelve years." said Sirius.

"So... Ron's been letting Peter Petigrew sleep in his bed?" Harry was finding it hard not to laugh at this.

"Harry, if you can get Petigrew, we could bring him to the Ministry and we could use him to prove Sirius' innocence. Then he can come out of hiding and you can reveal your identity." said Remus.

"Really? Well... how do I get him. Ron won't let me have him." said Harry. He wanted to help free Sirius but, with Ron being so protective of 'Scabbers', he didn't see how that was possible.

"I have a way." said Hermione, thankfully "We have to get Ron alone though. And it'll be really difficult because Perigrew can't be around either. I'm thinking we get Ron alone, and make sure Petigrew is not in the room, then tell him that you're Harry Potter. We tell him about Sirius, and about Petigrew. Then, we tell him that his rat is Peter Petigrew. I'm pretty sure he'd let us take him if he knew that. Afterwards, when we have Petigrew with us, we can talk and act like we're going to take him down to Hagrid's, but take him here instead. Professor Lupin can take him to the Ministry, and the worst that can happen is either Petigrew escapes, or Sirius is called for a trial."

"That's a brilliant idea." said Sirius "And you are... Hermione, right?"

"Yes." answered Hermione, shaking Sirius' hand.

When Hermione turned around, Sirius looked right at Harry and raised his eyebrows.

"Stop." Harry mouthed, knowing what his godfather was thinking.

Sirius raised his hands in mock surrender and they all began talking about Hermione and Harry's mission getting Petigrew.


Wow! This is a long one. Hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave me a comment telling me what you thought or even leave some constructive criticism. Thx for reading <3

Love from

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