Chapter 14~ Fifth Year

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(A/n: sorry...)

It was Harry's fifth year. April 5th and Harry was really confused as to where he stood with Hermione. He never really asked her out, but he wanted to now. She was sending him mixed messages. Sometimes he thought she might like him back, but others she treated him like a brother. No matter, Harry was going to ask her out, today. He was determined he would go through with it this time. The last few tomes he tried, he stuttered, made up an excuse to leave, and nearly tripped running out of the room, leaving Hermione with a very confused expressions on her face.

Harry was in his dormitory with Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville.

"So, are you sure you're actually going to do it this time?" asked Seamus.

"Positive." said Harry.

"Are you sure?" asked Dean. "Because if you try to run away again I'll hex you."

"I'll do it. I just have to wait until I have her alone and I find the perfect moment." said Harry.

"Ok." said Ron, disbelievingly.

"I'll do it. Have faith in me." said Harry.

"I have faith in you, Harry." said Neville.

"Thanks, Neville." said Harry.

"Alright, so, this is how it's going down." said Ron. "Me, you, and Hermione will be eating dinner together at the Great Hall. I'll make up an excuse to leave, so that you two can be alone. You'll talk to her, make her laugh a few times, and at the end of the night, and I stress the end of the night, you'll ask her out to Hogsmeade."

"Ok. Why does it have to be the end of the night?" asked Harry.

"Because, if she says no, you'll go straight up to bed and it won't be awkward." said Dean.

"Thanks. That makes me feel ten times better." said Harry, sarcastically. Truth was, Harry was really nervous.

"Alright, Harry. It's time for dinner. Lets go." said Ron. "Hermione's probably waiting for us." Harry took a deep breath and waved goodbye to Neville, Seamus, and Dean.

Harry followed Ron down the spiral staircase, towards the common room. He saw Hermione reading a book on an armchair. She was so beautiful.

"Ron, I don't think I can do this." Harry whispered to Ron.

"Yes you can, and you will." said Ron.

They walked up to Hermione and greeted her happily. She did the same. They walked to the Great Hall with her, Harry nervously walking behind Ron and Hermione. About ten minutes after they started eating, Hermione obviously noticed Harry's nerves.

"Harry, are you ok? Do you need anything?" she asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." said Harry.

"Are you sure?" asked Hermione.

"You're starting to sound like Seamus and Dean." Harry muttered.

"What?" asked Hermione.

"Nothing." said Harry, quickly.

A few minutes later, Ron decided it was the perfect time to leave.

"Well, I have to go see Hagrid. I told him I'd help him out with his next lesson." said Ron, getting up to leave.

"Really? Just you? Not Harry or I? In the middle of dinner-time?" asked Hermione. Ron should have thought that through more.

"Well... yeah- I... uh, see you." Ron stuttered, and he nearly ran out of the Great Hall. Hermione turned to Harry after watching Ron disappear.

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