Chapter 6~ Don't tell anyone

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Harry was sitting alone in his dormitory. He had visited Sirius yesterday and he already wanted to see him again.

He was deep in thought. He didn't even notice Ron shaking him.

"Mate? Mate! You're daydreaming." said Ron.

"Sorry." said Harry.

Harry zoned out again.

"James. Are you going to answer my question?" asked Ron.

"What question?" Harry asked confusedly. He hadn't heard Ron ask him a question.

"Do you want to come to Hagrid's with me? I was going to ask him if he could help me out with Scabbers." Ron added, holding out his disgusting excuse of a rat that seemed to be thinning by the minute.

"Uh... I think I'll stay here, Ron. I'm not feeling too well." Harry lied. He wanted to spend the rest of their free period alone.

"Oh... okay." said Ron, before he left the room.

Harry stayed in his dormitory for about ten minutes before he was disturbed by someone bursting through the door. It was Hermione.

"Hermione! What are you doing up here? This is the boys' dormitory! You're not supposed to be here!" Harry said quietly and loudly at the same time.

"I know your secret." said Hermione, walking with quick steps towards Harry.

Harry panicked.

"W-what are you talking about? I don't have a secret. Psht, it's just me. You know, James. Your best friend James." Harry rambled. I basically just told her I have a secret. He mentally slapped his forehead.

"You're Harry Potter!" Hermione nearly shouted.


"It's true, isn't it?"

Harry sighed in defeat.

"How did you find out?"

"Ha! I knew there was something off about you, Ja- I mean- Harry. I was just researching you in the library because I knew something was going on that you weren't telling me. I realized there was no 'James Piro' anywhere in history. Therefore, I looked up unexplained disappearances and I noticed you had to many things in common with Harry Potter. I also couldn't help but notice that if Harry Potter was still around, he'd be your exact age. Plus you didn't even bother to make up a fake birthday." Hermione spoke as if she had just easily uncovered a great mystery. Which she sort of had.

"Hermione, did you tell anyone?" Harry panicked again.

"No. I figured you had a good reason to keep your identity a secret." said Hermione crossing her arms.

Harry assumed she was awaiting an explanation so he gave her one.

Harry shot into a speech about what happened after his parents died, how Sirius was innocent, how he grew up with Sirius, and also how he became an illegal animagus.

"Wow." breathed Hermione.

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" asked Harry "It's extremely important that this stays between us. No one can find out." he added sternly.

"Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone." That was good enough for Harry.

"So... Sirius Black was innocent huh? Is that why you always seem angry when someone talks about him?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah. You know I didn't even want to come to Hogwarts. I begged Padfoot to let me stay but he said 'it's important you get an education'. That's why I hate it here. I always get this terrible feeling the Ministry is going to catch him." said Harry.

"Oh. That explains a lot." said Hermione. "Well, does anyone else know about the secret passage to the Shrieking Shack. Because if so he could get caught."

"I've told him that. He always has the same response. 'Even if they do I doubt they know how to get passed the Willow'." said Harry.

"Is this why you always go to talk to Professor Lupin? Does he know?" asked Hermione.

"No. I just go see him because he's really the only person I can talk to about Padfoot without actually... revealing Padfoot. Do you know what I mean." said Harry.


"Well, if I tried talking to someone else, they would ask too many questions, whereas Lupin listens to me and talks when it's necessary."

"Oh. Right, well, about Lupin... J-Harry, I think there's something you should know about him." said Hermione, still stuttering on his name.

"What is it?" Harry asked, slightly worried. Force of habit.

"Well... I think he's- a werewolf." said Hermione "Do you remember when Snape filled in for him the first time? He gave us an essay on werewolves? Well, Lupin has all the side effects a werewolf would have. Also, he's been gone every month right? Every full moon." when Hermione finished she had Harry completely convinced.

But Harry was focusing on something else. Not the fact that he was a werewolf, but the fact that he was almost certain Sirius had told him about one of his friends in Hogwarts who was a werewolf, liked reading, and was into Defence Against the Dark Arts. What did he say he used to call him again?...


Sorry if you think it's kind of short. Remus will be in the next chapter and will become an important part of the story. I would say something else but I got nothing. Thx for reading <3

Love from

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