Chapter 4~ Hogwarts Express

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Harry was making his way through King's Cross Station with Sirius. Of course, his scar was hidden and Sirius was a dog. Sirius had asked Harry to call him Snuffles as a dog in case anyone had ever heard of Padfoot.

Harry went through the barrier that separated platforms 9 and 10 to find Platform 9 and 3/4 in front of him.

Sirius came from behind him and gave Harry and encouraging push in the back of his leg. He knew Harry didn't want to get on that train. But he did. He sat in a compartment all alone and watched Sirius until the train's engine started running. The Hogwarts Express started moving and Sirius followed the train until it rounded the corner and was out of sight.

Harry watched the country go by. Alone. He was just wondering where Ron and Hermione were, when a bushy haired teenage girl burst in through the compartment door, followed by a red headed boy holding a rat.

"James!" exclaimed Hermione. They had no idea he was Harry Potter. They thought his name was James Piro. If only they knew the truth about him, Harry would be much more comfortable around them.

"Hey guys." said Harry.

"Hey, James." said Ron happily sitting next to Harry whilst Hermione sat facing him.

"How was your summer?" asked Hermione.

"Good I guess. My dad and I moved and now we live in Wiltshire." Harry was used to making up stories like this by now, stories that are still a little bit true.

"That's cool. Guess what Hermione got. A cat. Can you believe she got a cat. And she doesn't even care about Scabbers' wellbeing. You know, that stupid cat nearly ate Scabbers earlier." Ron said.

"He's a cat Ron, what do you expect. It's in his nature." defended Hermione. Harry just now noticed the big, bushy, orange cat in Hermione arms.

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." said Ron.

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush-"

"Guys!" said Harry. "Please, I'm already not going to enjoy Hogwarts, please don't make me endure your squabbling all year."

"Sorry, James." Hermione apologized.

"Hey, James. You never told us why you hate Hogwarts so much. I mean, everyone else likes it there, why not you?" asked Ron.

"I'd just rather be with my dad. I don't know why, but I always get this nagging feeling that he needs me. I don't know." said Harry, looking at the floor.

"Don't worry, James. I'm sure your dad's fine." Hermione smiled. Harry sure was grateful to have a friend like her. Harry didn't realize he was blushing.

Sirius thought there was something between the two of them but, no matter how much Harry wanted to believe it, it wouldn't work anyway. Not with the severity of his identity being kept a secret. He had had a crush on Hermione since first year, when he first laid eyes on her. Only, Ron had insulted her and they couldn't be friends. It was part of the reason he wanted to save her from that troll. It worked out to his advantage because they became friends and he got to spend more time with her.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" asked the lady with the candy trolley.

"No thanks." they all said in union.

"We should change into our robes." suggested Hermione, once the trolley lady had left.

"But we're not even halfway there, yet." whined Ron.

"No, but the sooner the better, right." said Hermione.

The boys took out their robes and made their way to the bathrooms whilst Hermione took her robes to Ginny's compartment where all the girls were changing.

After Harry and Ron had returned, they noticed that Hermione's seat had been taken in their absence. A man they had never seen before was sitting there, he seemed to be asleep.

"Who do you reckon that is?" asked Ron.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." said Hermione who was now standing right behind them.

"Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?" asked Ron.

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." said Hermione, impatiently, pointing towards Professor Lupin's suitcase.

"Oh, right. Do you reckon he's our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers?" asked Ron.

"Most likely. Unless Snape got sacked. Hopefully." said Harry.

The trio laughed and joked the whole way back to Hogwarts. Amazingly, they hadn't woken Professor Lupin up. He looked really battered and they decided he needed his rest and should tone it down before they woke him up.


Wow. Is it just me or was that a long chapter? Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. What do you guys think, will someone find out Harry's secret throughout the year? If so, who do you think it will be and how will they find out? Take as many guesses as you'd like. I'd appreciate a nice comment. I love reading those. Thx for reading <3

Love from

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