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Felicity laid in her bed, wrapped in blankets as she stared at the wall

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Felicity laid in her bed, wrapped in blankets as she stared at the wall. She had been there for a day and a half now.

She heard her door open, the girl not even bothering too look at who it was. She knew who it was, making her heart speed up a bit.

Peter closed the door, going up to the girl. He crouched down next to her, lifting his hand up to his hair.

"Flick?" He stroked her hair lightly, his eyes full of worry, "I haven't heard from you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I've been texting and you haven't been responding."

She didn't say anything.

She couldn't even look at him.

She was overwhelmed with emotions.

Fear. Sadness. Anger. Shock.

She couldn't bare it.

Peters hand went down to her back, rubbing it gently in comfort. She wouldn't even look at him. It made his heart break.

"Is this because I left the other day?" He asked. "If it is I'm sorry. I just- I remembered I needed to help my aunt May with something and you know it's been rough for her after Uncle Ben-  I shouldn't have left so suddenly though."

Unknowingly to Peter, a tear fell down Felicity's cheek. She knew he was lying. She couldn't even decide if she was mad at him or herself more.

"Please say something flick." Peter said, "Tell me what's wrong so I can make you feel better."

She let another year fall, getting up quickly and brushing it away. "I uh- I have too go to- to take a shower- I have to go to Gwen's- later- we're supposed to work on this project."

She quickly got up, waking to her bathroom, Peter stood up confused, "Flick?"

She stopped at the doorframe, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

She turned around, walking back towards Peter, "You gotta tell me what's going on. If- if did something wrong tell me. Just tell me-,"

Felicity cut him off by gently pulling him in, kissing him. His hands found her cheeks, kissing her back deeply.

They broke apart, "You didn't do anything. It's just- something with me. Something I have to deal with alone."

"You don't have to deal with anything alone." Peter said too her as they leaned there heads on each other's.

She smiled lightly, "This I have too." She whispered. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

He furred his eyebrows, a bit disappointed at the fact that he couldn't help her. She gave him one last kiss, before walking to her bathroom.

"Flick?" Peter called out once more. She looked behind her at him, "I love you."

"Love you too." She said quietly back before shutting the door.

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