spiderman and donuts

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Felicity flew up to a building with her grappling hook, landing and watching Spiderman

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Felicity flew up to a building with her grappling hook, landing and watching Spiderman. He's updating his suit- it was kinda cool.

This was the second time she's put on her suit. She did two days ago, but she couldn't handle finding Spiderman that day. She just had to get used to being Blackcat again.

And surprisingly, she liked it. It was like an escape from her depressing life. A way to be an entire different person.

She was loving being Blackcat again.

She watch as he webbed the hand of a car thief to the wall. She didn't bother listening knowing the spider was just taunting the man.

"Come on let me go!" The man yelled.

Spiderman faked sneezed, a web from his hand flying out and hitting the man right in the junk. Felicity rolled her eyes as the vigilante continued to shot webs at the man. How childish.

He then shot a web, it hitting and covering the car thief's mouth. She then watched as the masked man went up to him, looking at the mans left wrist.

Why did he do that?

Felicitys thoughts were cut off by the sounds of sirens, she quickly unleashed her grappling hook, throwing it to a building still close, but not enough so cops would see her.

"Oh! Boys in blue are here!" Spiderman exclaimed, "I got him!"

"Freeze! Don't move!" The officer yelled putting his gun towards the masked person.

"Your serious?" He asked in shock, raising his hands in surrender.

"Who are you?"

Spiderman looked at the thief ad then back at the officer, "No one seems to grasp the concept of the masked."

Spiderman moved slightly causing th officer to panic, "Freeze!" He yelled shooting mulitple shots, which the vigilante all blocked.

He jumped up, flipping and grabbing the gun.

"I just did 80% of your job, huh? And that's how you repay me?" Spiderman asked throwing the gun to the side.

Felicity watched the man run as soon as more cops showed up. She soon started chasing after him, running ontop of building to keep up secretly.

She jumped off, rehashing her grappling hook once more and swing towards the way Spiderman went. She saw him swing down the street then up onto a building without anyone spotting him.

She jumped onto the building next to his, watching the Spider watch the city. She took a deep breath in.

Here we go.

She ran, leaping off the building. Before Spiderman could even register the Black cat flying towards him, he was shoved down to the ground, rolling over harshly.

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