Chapter 23: Im A Pretty Good Shot

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"I love hanging out with y'all I wish I didn't have to go!" She said smiling with her arm around my shoulder.

"Then come with us." I smiled at her and her face turned into one of shock.

"What do you mean." She asked

"Come hang with us live with us I don't care, we have the room and it gets boring with these three." I giggled and she look relieved.

"I know we're strangers girl but I'm packing my shit anywhere better then where I'm staying!" She yelled and Asher looked at me.

"Let's go." I smiled and we all headed out. I drove the Jeep following behind her truck.

Just like me.

As we followed her though it was a little too familiar. The roads. The trees. The houses. But it didn't click until we were parked infront of the house.

I looked at Asher and his face morphed into a little sorrow and rage. As I looked at all the other boys they looked just the same. As we got out of the car I ran up to Rose.

We figured out her name when I got her number. I must be better when the women then the boys. Even though I dislike women I do forget I'm bisexual. Mommy issues or whatever I mean daddy issues too but still.

"Rose I don't care but at this point if you were joking or not I will kidnap you." I said and she looked shocked.

"Why?" She laughed

"I lived here before you. The boys are the ones who saved me." I pointed to the house and remember the night they came there.

"Oh" her energy shifted.

"Please come with us." I said serious this time and she hugged me.

"Thank you Phoebe" she mumbled.

Luckily the bitch ain't home and she has my old room so we were able to get her stuff and go. Instead of riding with the boys I rode with her so she knew where she was going.

"So the boys.." she stated.

"Yes those boys." I laughed.

"Are you with any of them." She asked.

"Yes I'm with Asher and I'm Hayden's platonic baby mama." I said and her eyes shot up.

"You have a kid?" She yelled.

I laughed at this

"No Hayden's just called me his baby mama since the night we met. Not only did I live where you did but I worked at the bar too and that's how I met them." I explained

"So we're literally the same person." She laughed and I nodded my head.

"One more thing, this was the same decision I had and now it's yours." I said frowning at this conversation.

"Yes?" She questioned.

"Actually before I even ask I'm going to show you something." I said licking my hand and wiping it on my jeans.

I removed the foundation from my tattoo and showed it to her. It's took her a second the she gasped.

"Your the Angel of Death that's slowly been growing around America as the most dangerous female in the mafia world?" She asked shocked.

I was shocked to at her answer.

"Yeah. You know mafias are real?" I asked and she nodded.

"My ex was the heir to the Canadian mafia. I didn't find that out until the day we broke up" she said.

"Yeah Hayden killed him." I said and she visibly swooned.

"That's my question though. The guys and I are the American Mafia leaders and for you to come stay with us you have to join. If not we have to kill you." I muttered the last part.

"I'm a pretty good shot." She said agreeing and I looked at her.

"Like I said we're literally the same person." I laughed as we pulled into the drive way.

I grabbed her bags and walked her into the house.

"This place is fucking huge." She snorted and I laughed.

"You can sleep in my room so we can work on your room. Just tell Hayden your two favorite colors." I smiled and nodded Hayden over.

"Hey boat" he said cheerfully as he flung his arm around me.

"Hey Beaner, we got to design her room." I smiled and he nodded determinedly.

"My favorite colors are Dark Blue and Silver." She smiled and he nodded.

As the guys went to buy stuff for her room I brought her up to mine.

"Oh my your room is gorgeous!" She said walking around.

"Your room will look the exact same but with your colors" I said and she gawked.

"This is my room. Hayden's is next door on the left Asher's is on the other side of the hall 3 doors down, Ethan's is next to Hayden's and your on the other side of mine." I said and she beamed with happiness.

"Thank you so much you don't know how much it means to me." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah I do."

"Oh and this is Bella." I smiled grabbing Bella from her tank.

"She's beautiful." Rose awed and reached up to pet Bella. I cringed because usually Bella would bite the person but she doesn't.

"She likes you." I said and nodded towards her.

"I like her too." She cooed.

"One last thing." I said opening my closet.

I nodded inside.

"The boys will fills yours too but since we're literally the same size and body type help yourself whenever." I smiled and she squealed running in.

From behind a shelf she looked at me.

"We're going to be best friends."


Authors note:

Literally the last 3 chapters have been so chaotic but I love it.

Word count: 1424

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