My heart was breaking hearing Riccardo's voice over the phone, he sounded so angry but I could hear that he was worried and that made me relieved as I knew he was indeed looking for me.

I've been here a week and gave up hope of ever to be found, I was practically being starved here, I got one small meal in the middle of the day and that was it. And one of the guards brought it for me without anyone knowing, as he looking sad for me being here and I was grateful for him. I knew that was the only way he could help me and if he tried to get me out we both would get killed.

I could tell I was somewhere near sea as there were ships coming here at night and bringing in some more shipments and during the day there was seagulls and people walking around that work here. They used to say sull'isosa a lot which made me believe that was the name of this place.

''See Ricky I don't have much time to talk to you because there's only 30 seconds left before one of your minions can track me so I'll keep it short this time, any last world Haley?'' George says and then puts the phone to my mouth giving me the chance to say something to Riccardo. Oh how I miss him.

''I'm sorry Riccardo, sull'isola'' I apologize to him for running away and add in the name that I was hearing over and over the past week. I didn't know a lot of things about George but I knew for sure he didn't know Italian, even when some of the guards would speak Italian here he would scream at them and make them explain in English what they had just said.

George hung's up the phone and garbs my face with anger. ''What did you say to him'' George ask me.

''Nothing, I just said goodbye to him in Spanish''I lie to him knowing he didn't know Spanish too but knew that I knew it. He let's go of my face he was holding so hard that was probably bruising now. I regret of ever meeting this man. If I would of know what type of a terrible man he was I would of killed him on the spot when I met him even if it meant that I would spend the rest of my life in prison.

''Don't you dare to speak in Spanish in front of me'' He orders me.

''Why? Does it make you insecure that you only know English?'' I tell him not letting him have his way.

''How dare you talk to me like that?'' He screams at me and lands a slap on my cheek making it burn but I don't let it show.

''What are you gonna do about it? Kill me?'' I tease him some more knowing he was actually a pussy and wouldn't do it because he knows that Riccardo would kill his whole blood line if he did.

''Shut up. You better tell me where to find Riccardo'' He growls at me asking the same question for the fifth time this week.

''Oh you know that spot by the Eiffel tower where the mount Everest is? There he lives.'' I say complete nonsense making him angry not giving him the answer he wants.

''I'll let it slide today but if you keep up this attitude you will regret it'' He says to me and I roll my eyes as this was the fifth time he was 'letting this one slide'. At this point I wasn't even scared of him anymore, I was just annoyed and thought I was gonna die of starvation or some other natural cause. He then straightens his tie and without him noticing his tie clip falls to the floor. I feel this happy feeling inside of me as I knew this will be my chance to get out. I wait as he walk away and lock me in this storage space leaving me alone.

I wait for 10 minutes to make sure that he was gone and no one would hear me. I try to slide with the chair closer to the clip. It was too low for me to reach and bring back up so I did the only thing I could. I make myself fall over with the chair and grab the clip placing it between my bra before the guards come in.

''What did you do?'' The guy who always brings me food asks me as he walks in ans sees me on the floor with the chair.

''I had a bad itch and tried to itch it and ended up falling over'' I lie to him and he believes me and lifts me back up with the chair.

The Lucarelli queenWhere stories live. Discover now