Chapter 7

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Riccardo's POV:

I was woken up by scared Haley who had wondered in my room looking for someone who could help her or at least make her feel safe. It was clear that someone had broken in and went to her room. 'But who?' that was the question. It would be very unlikely somebody already had seen her staying here with me and wanting to take her and also how did they get past all the guards I have around the house, inside and out. It made my blood boil, 'for what was I paying these guys?' and also made me super concerned for Haley as I wasn't sure if I had put her life in danger. I was brought out of my thoughts from Haley's soft voice.

''Sleep next to me, I won't bite, I promise'' She says resting her body on her elbows looking at me with those big beautiful green eyes. I look at here making sure she was being serious and she gives me a nod and a small smile making me think she had just read my mind. I get up and walk to the bed and sit on the other side beside her.

''You know I never said thank you for taking care of me that day when I was drugged.'' She says shyly almost a little embarrassed. It was weird seeing her like this, she wasn't brave but vulnerable now, and letting her nice side shine trough which she had tried to hide so much from me with the confidence and attitude which she brought up to me. Which I can't deny was hot as fuck but also made me want to bow down to her as for the queen she was. But this soft side didn't make me like her less, if anything it made me like her more. She was this warm soul that would care deeply for the people she loves but she wasn't afraid to put on a brave face on and run the world at the same time making everybody fear her, and she feared nobody.

''Your welcome baby'' I say giving her a soft smile knowing she didn't have to thank me for shit, but I let her have it as I could see it made her feel better. 'How can there be someone so perfect?' I think to myself while looking at her perfectly curved body and her facial features and not to mention that personality that no other person could beat.

''Why did you want to help me if you didn't know me?'' She asks, clearly trying to stay awake being too scared to fall asleep.

''It was the right thing to do. I wouldn't let anything happen to you, ever.'' I tell her assuring her that she was safe with me and no one could touch her while she was with me. She gives me genuine smile that makes me feel happy on the inside.

''Why did you go to the club alone?'' I ask her keeping the conversation alive and also being genuinely curious.

''I was sitting in my hotel room thinking about my life and then decided it was time to get out and see what the world is all about.'' She tells me remembering the night. ''It was my first time going to a club'' She then confesses to me giving herself a little laugh realizing how stupid that was.

''You've never been to a club before? Isn't that the first thing Americans do when they turn 21?'' I ask her again, felling a smile never leave my face as I was really enjoying talking to her and getting to know her.

''Yeah, well my ex didn't really like me going out and he didn't want to go with me too so I never really got the chance to go.'' She says now a sad smile forming on her face. I can tell she felt regret giving up so much time to a bastard that apparently couldn't see her worth. 'What a dick' I think to myself instantly starting to hate the man I have never met.

''Well it's good that you left him.'' I tell giving her a smile. I knew how girls were when they talked about breakup and knew just what to say as I have had to sit trough so many night with my sister crying over guys that were nothing but trash. Remembering those night I could feel my blood boil thinking about all those bastards. But then I relax just as soon as I hear her speak again.

''Yeah...'''she says looking at her hands ''At least everything that happened has brought me here to Europe.'' She looks up giving me a smile. I knew she meant that the past events has brought her here to travel but God how happy I was that these events has brought her here to me. She's been here only one day but she has turned my world upside down, for the better. I already am dreading the day I will have to let her go, hoping it won't come that soon.

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