Sebina frowned as he got into the car and drove off, leaving her in the dust. She did not understand him at all! He obviously needed the money but he was not willing to be helped! All she was thinking about was the gas he had used to come all the way from where he lived to this side of town just to apologize!? Who did that?

Faizal. That was who.

And somehow that meant something to her. Bert had driven to her workplace to apologize too but for cheating, that meant absolutely nothing to her.

She got into her car and drove off after Faizal, pulling up into the parking spot-worried about her cars safety but choosing to overlook it.

A while later, she knocked at his door. No one answered and she kept knocking but no one was answering and she slumped against the door, sitting there, wondering why in the world she had driven all the way from her suburbs to the slums for someone so measly as Faizal who was not even her friend.

She sat there for some time, just waiting, not caring about the odd looks she got from people passing through the passage. She was even more shocked that she had not been robbed but then she remembered that she was still wearing dirty overalls and a cap that apparently made her look like a man.

A pair of all star clad feet stopped before her and she looked up, scrambling to her feet.


He opened the door and walked in, his hands holding heavy plastic bags filled with foods. He started packing the goods into the cupboards, baby food included.

Sebina timidly walked in and closed the door behind her. "I am sorry," she whispered, looking at him.

Faizal opened the fridge to put the baby's yogurts and pureed fruit snacks in. He took out the old food to cook and then packed the plastics away, getting started on supper.

Sebina nodded to herself and walked to the door, feeling crestfallen. One of the few genuine things she had and she had destroyed it before it even blossomed. She opened the door.


She walked out.

"Hey," Faizal suddenly said from behind her. "It's rude to walk out when someone is making you food," he said.

She hugged herself. "You weren't saying anything and that clearly means I am not welcome so-"

"For once, just keep quiet and come grab a seat."

Sebina followed him uncertainly. "What should I do?" she asked.

"Just sit down. You can watch TV or watch me, your choice. I..." He opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka and a bottle of wine. "I am not sure if you drink vodka or wine but you can have both, preferably less of the wine because I need some of it for my sauce."

Sebina sat down in the wooden chair and watched as Faizal moved about the kitchen,pouring her a glass of wine and handing it to her before getting started on the food. As time went, the house started smelling delicious and Sebina could not help but drool.

"Where's Vinter?"

Faizal stirred whatever he was cooking. "Visiting a friend of mine. She likes having him over." He looked at her. "Bad experience with kids or you just don't like them in general?"

She choked on her wine, coughing what was in her mouth out. "I'm so sorry," she quickly said as she grabbed some paper towels and went down on her knees, wiping the mess she had made on the floor. "I'm really sorry."

Faizal squatted beside her and helped her clean up. He looked at her as she wiped her mouth and she was mesmerizing. But considering that she went for his boss, who was probably half a century old, he realised that he did not stand a chance. And his financial state was not helping matters anyway.

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