The Ending: One More Fight Pt.1

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"Breaking News, As the Nuclear Explosion in the British Coast sends panic across the World. The United Nations has quickly Asked all Governments of each of its Special and Secret Task Forces to Deploy, the only known Task Force was Rainbow Six Siege as All Across the World Military Forced are on High Alert-"

Monika Switches off the TV in her quiet room. She sits on the couch with her gear on with tears in her eyes while staring blankly at the off TV. After the Nuclear Explosion, the Marines and SDOD Forced them out of the Base and made their return to the still Damaged Hereford Base. Monika Felt Betrayed, Broken, and Conflicted...(Y/N) Lied to her and her Team the whole time.

She Glances at the Coffee Table in front of her, looking at her Weapons, Magazines, and Pictures of Her and (Y/N)...She Didn't Know what to do anymore, she found the person she loved and she was betrayed by him.

Monika sighs as she Remembers the Operation Later, Operation United Fight. She and other Rainbow Members were to Join the UN Ordered Task Forces. She didn't know what Task Forces we're joining her and her team but they are to be deployed deep in Siberia where the White Mask Command was Believed to be held while other Task Forces Chase after the Stolen Nuclear Weapons.

She Stands Up from the couch, grabbing her Magazines, Weapons, and One Picture...It was Monika and (Y/N) down at some old Libary smiling at the picture when they were younger...

She places the Picture in her pocket while Shouldering her Aug. She Exits her Dorm, the Hallways still littered with bullet holes and Shell Casings as she walks over them quietly.

She Reaches the Outside as she meets Blackbeard, Ash, Caveria, Thatcher, and Fuze. They all started at Monika with Pity after what happened at the Marine Base.

"Monika...You don't have to go."

Thatcher says as Monika sighs quietly before giving him a nod, insisting she wants to join.

"Okay...Let's go."

After being flown in by a C-130 Into an Airbase in Siberia. The team can be seen with Winter clothing walking across the snowy Russian Land with Thatcher Taking the Lead. No one talked, they knew how important this Mission Is. For all, they know this could be the end of the White Masks.

"Hey, Thatcher, where's our Team at?"

Blackbeard Asks, referring to the other three teams as Thatcher simply Shrugged.

"They should be here by no-"

A Small Drone all of the sudden Appears in front of them as they quickly stop and aim at it. It was so small that anyone barely noticed it.

As Monika Aims at the drone, she felt like she saw it before from somewhere.

"Green! Green!"

A Voice Shouts from a nearby Treeline as they Lower their weapons and turn at the Treeline. A man steps out of the Treeline with his Squad.



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