❣️Nightmares- Human!Rico❣️

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Human!Rico x FEM!Human!Reader

Description- Y/N has a nightmare and wakes up and stands outside in the rain. Her boyfriend Rico wakes up to not feel her around and goes and looks for her.

Y/N- Your Name

E/N- Enemies Name

Y/N's Dream

"No! Please! Don't do it!" I begged as e/n as (He/She) held the gun up to Rico's head. Your wrist and ankles hurt as the chains started to get tighter hurting me even more. I saw the sadness in Rico's eyes as he looked at me with tears spilling. E/N smirked as (He/She) looked up at the agent next to me. The agent grabbed my hair roughly and pulled me back making me wince in pain. "Y'know Y/N......we could have done this the easy way instead of having to do all this hustle, but you just had to make things more difficult didn't you?" (He/She) chuckled. "Now look at where we are at! Your chained up with bruises and eternally bleeding, and with you precious lover here as bait!"  More tears spilled from my eyes as they moxies with my blood. "Y'know what Y/N? This is getting kinda boring eh? Why don't we spice things up a bit shall we?~" she put her pointer finger on the trigger. My eyes widened as I tried to stop her but the chains only made it harder. Soon all I heard was the sound of the gun shot echo through the room. "NOOOOOOOO! RICO!" I cried as watched Rico's now dead body fall onto the floor and E/N laugh like a maniac..............."

Y/N's P.O.V

I shot up from my bed as sweat dropped from my form head.  I wiped the sweat from my forehead only to feel a few tears as well. I sighed and looked over at Rico's body peacefully sleeping. I softly giggled as I heard him snoring with a bit of droll coming out of his mouth and onto the pillow. I tangled my fingers into his hair and heard him sigh. I kissed his forehead and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I walked through the hallway and made my way to the living room and walked into the kitchen. I walked over to the sink to look through the decent sized window it had and noticed it was raining outside.

"What if I........" I thought as I looked over at the back door. I sighed and walked over to the back door and unlocked it. I slide it open and walked out to feel the raindrops fall onto my hot skin. I sighed feeling the cool air hit my skin. I looked up and stayed in the same standing position feeling the cool air and water collide with my skin.

|2 Hours Later|

Rico's P.O.V

I turned over to where my troublemaker was supposed to be but couldn't feel her anywhere. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted my eyes to the darkness. I looked around the room and couldn't see her anywhere. I sat up and got off the bed. I looked at the clock and read 4:32 am. "Where is she?" I thought to myself. I walked downstairs and heard the sound of rain and felt the cold breeze hit my scarred skin. "That's weird.....all the windows are locked shut.....why would there be cold air in the house?" I thought as I kept moving.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed the back door was opened. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and walked over. I grabbed the handle and had started to slowly close it before something caught my eyes. I saw a figure standing outside in the rain. I looked closer and noticed it was....my troublemaker!? I quickly opened the door once more and ran over to where she was standing. She looked back at me with tired yet confused eyes.

Back to You

I heard the door open again and footsteps approaching quite quickly. I looked back and saw Rico running up to me. I looked at him confused. 'What is he doing up so late?' I thought. But soon my thoughts were interrupted when I felt myself getting lifted into and embrace and felt us moving. "Ricooooo what are you doing?" I complained trying to get out of his grip But failed miserably due to how strong he is.

He looked at me with a "don't struggle, it's not worth it" so I stopped Resisting and allowed myself to be carried back into the house. Soon we made it inside and Rico closed the back door and locked it to make sure that no more cold air was coming into the house. He gently sets me down on the couch and goes to grab something. He disappeared into a hallway but soon came back with a towel in hand. He  walked back up to me and starts drying my hair with it.

~Smol Timeskip~

"What were you doing out there in the rain?" He signed.  "Oh well I just wanted to look at the rain from.....the....outside?" I lord as an awkward smile formed on my face. I hated lying to him but I didn't want to tell him I had a nightmare. I saw him frown and knew he wasn't gonna believe me so I decided to tell him the truth instead of lying to him even more. I sighed and looked at anything else in the room instead of him. "I had a nightmare and I didn't want to wake you up and so I noticed it was raining so I decided to go Outside but I must have lost track of time and I didn't realize that I left the back door open-" I rambled but was soon caught off Guard when I felt arms wrap around my waist and being pushed into a chest.

Soon tears had started falling from my eyes again and I cuddled onto Rico. Sometimes he would lay kisses all around my head and face to make me feel better. For the rest of the night, Rico had put on my favorite show/movie as we cuddled and talked through the movie. I love this man, I really really do but sometimes I worry that our jobs could get us seriously injured or even worse..........it could get us DEAD.

Finallyyyy finished this oneshot. I'm not a big fan on Madagascar but Penguins of Madagascar the movie is an exception I just watched it last night and I am obsessed with Rico.

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