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"And that is pretty much it, little-lady," Nova said to Lorelei before closing their picture book and pulling the covers up above her daughter. "Wow. So that's how mommy met uncle Derek and uncle Aaron?" she asked Spencer confusedly. Her doe brown eyes were always curious, always looking for new information.

"Well, I did some things that weren't particularly ethical when I was younger. But if I'm being honest with you, I don't regret a single thing. That's how I met your dad, and that's how I met your aunts and uncles." Nova replied, getting off Lorelei's bed to stand up next to Spencer.

He smiled down at Nova and wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing the top of her hair. "I agree. Even though it was a little more serious than not particularly ethical-"

Nova nudged him with her elbow and he laughed, leaving her side temporarily to kneel next to Lorelei. "Come on, Rory, you need to go to sleep so you can spend the day with your aunt Penny tomorrow." He said to her, ruffling the hair on her head slightly.

Lorelei nodded and stifled a yawn. Spencer kissed their daughter's forehead before they left the room. "Night, Rory. We love you." Nova said quietly, closing their daughter's door before looking at Spencer with wide eyes.

He burst into quiet laughter at her expression. "Oh my god, Spencer that is not funny. What if she tells people that and her teachers think I'm some sort of felon?" Nova said, hitting him lightly in the stomach.

He only laughed harder. "You are a felon!"

Nova rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, yeah, well I didn't hear you complaining about my crimes when I met you." she said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well the moment I saw you I was in love with you, what did you expect?" He replied, wrapping his arms around her and looking down at her lovingly.

"The moment you saw me? I thought the moment you fell in love with me was when I downed 7 shots at once and then drunkenly geeked out about doctor who to you."

Spencer snorted "That was last Tuesday"

Nova snickered under her breath as they made their way to their room. "oh, was it? Sorry that day's a little blurry." she replied sarcastically. "Dance with me, Reid," she said, taking out a record from her collection.

It's been a long, long time started playing and Spencer smiled. He held his hand out to her, leaning down in an over-exaggerated way, and spoke with a posh accent. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, my lady?"

"I most certainly would, good sir," she replied before taking his hand and dancing slowly to the song with him, resting her head on his shoulders. "Hey Spencer?" she said to him quietly, slowly swaying to the song with him.

"Yeah?" he replied, equally as quiet with the same loving tone.

"I never thought I'd get this far," she said.

Spencer rested his head on top of hers, smiling softly as he recalled all the times she confided in him stories of her past. Nova Yīkào has had a hard life. It beat her down and bashed her up and she didn't even let it touch her. Nova was unbreakable.

She was strong, stronger than the people around her, and even stronger for the people she loved. Nova had a heart to rival fucking Santa Klaus and a reputation to prove it.

She was the fire that Spencer didn't know he needed. She was the light in his life that was missing until he met her. She breathed a little life into him every day since she'd met him, and he couldn't be more in love with her because of it.

"You did it," he replied to her softly and Nova smiled against his chest, soaking in his warmth. "We did it. Well, I did most of it, but you helped a little" she snickered as he shook his head with a deep laugh that sent warmth tingling down her spine through her heart.

"You always have to disturb the moment."

Both of them knew that Spencer was smiling at her fondly. "I thought you loved that about me?" she replied and he pulled away slightly to plant a soft kiss on her lips. "I love everything about you, Nova."

After a minute or two passed, Nova said Spencer's name again.

He laughed at her quietly, responding "Yeah, Noves?"

She looked up at him grinning, her cheeks tinted slightly pink "I think I'm pregnant again."

A/N: Oh my god, that is the LAST CHAPTER OF SPITFIRE! The book is complete, I hope you guys have enjoyed it. This book was honestly so fun to write and all the comments you guys leave make me so happy. I check the comments basically every day and I do try to reply to all of them. I'm not going to be doing any more writing for Spencer and Nova, but if you guys would like, I'm thinking of making them a spotify playlist to share with all of you. Goodbye and thank you for reading!

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