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"I've gotta go." Alice murmurs between kisses. They've been like this for half an hour, ever since she told him she was heading over to Hermione's for the night. The brunette had thrown an impromptu sleepover with some of her fellow cheerleader friends, and had extended an invite to Alice.

"You said you don't even wanna go, so stay." FP tells her, nibbling at her jawline.

She bites down on her lip hard as she grips his shoulders, using every ounce of her strength to push herself away, she really would rather stay here with him. "As much as I'd love to, I don't think that would go over so well."

He sighs because he knows it's true. If Alice were to not come he'd bet good money that Hermione would show up and drag her out herself. "Fine. I told Fred I'd head over there anyway, I can drop you off on the way?"

"Are you sure that's such a good idea? I came over here to say goodbye and now I'm late." Alice reminds him knowingly.

He gasps defensively. "You're the one who kissed me!"

"Details, details." She drawls, ignoring his (true) statement, and lifting herself off of his lap. "Come on Jones, there's a house full of cheerleaders waiting for me."

He smirks. "Think there's room for two more?"


"And then it just sort of happened." Alice recalls the night of the wedding to the group of girls.

"I've always thought he'd be good in bed," One girl squeaks. "How is he?"

"Well from what I've experienced so far, he's the best I've ever had." Alice admits, her cheeks surely a fire engine red. "I don't think there will be any problem when we get there."

"What do you mean?" Another girl questions. "Didn't you two have sex?"

"Well sort of... we fooled around, just haven't made it to the main event yet I guess."

"How come?"

"Yeah if I had FP Jones I would ride that man like a damn cowgirl the first chance I got." Another chimes in, earning an array of laughs from the rest.

"They're just taking it slow." Hermione answers, bored as she files her already perfectly shaped nails. "Though how much slower can you take it when it's been building up for the last seventeen years."

"Yeah seriously, why haven't you two done it yet? What's stopping you?"

"If you've already gone to third base the very first time, why not just go for the home run?"

All of the questions buzz in Alice's ears until they all just sort of melt together. "Its just never felt like the right time."

"Not the right time to have sex but the right time to go down on each other?" One girl scoffs. "Are you sure he's as good as you say he is?"

Alice doesn't even bother defending herself now, just keeps quiet as everyone gossips around her. Hermione notices and frowns. She had thought of the teasing as harmless and fun, after all she's been saying for years now that Alice and FP were gonna end up together. But she can tell now that it's bothering the blonde, and seeing her become so reserved and tense instantly makes her feel guilty.


Normally Alice wouldn't consider herself a sensitive person. She learned from a fairly young age that people came and went as they pleased, and that at the end of the day the only person you can truly count on, is yourself. And even though she knows that, even though she knows the comments were just harmless teasing, she can't help but hear them echo in her head as she tries to sleep.

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