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The bell over the door of Pop's Diner rings as Alice walks in, making her head ache with the remnants of a hangover. "Alice! How are you this morning?"

"Hi Pop," the blonde greets with a genuine smile. "I'm good thanks, how are you?"

"Just dandy. Would you like your usual?"

"Yes please, can I get some onion rings too?"

"You got it, kid!" Pop shoots her a smile before heading into the kitchen.

She waits patiently at the counter, reading over the menu as does. Out of the corner of her eye she sees someone coming her way and when she looks out of curiosity she has to fight back an eye roll; Jamie.

He freezes momentarily before continuing to walk over to the counter, taking residence on a stool further down.

Jamie scoffs after a long moment, catching Alice's attention. "What?" She snips.

"You're just not going to say anything?" He questions, picking at the French fries on his plate.

"About?" Her voice is unbothered, hoping he gets the hint she doesn't want to talk to him.

"Last night."

She smiles a little to herself, egging him on. "What about last night?"

"Don't play stupid Alice, I know you saw me and I know what you were trying to do."

"And it clearly worked."

"That was low, even for you."

"I was just having fun." She shrugs.

"Yeah I saw that." He scoffs again, shaking his head in disbelief. "So is that why you dumped me?"

Alice quirks an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"Is that why you dumped me?" He repeats more snarkily. "So you could go screw another guy?"

"No, I dumped you because I barely saw you, what kind of relationship is that?"

"That was your own choice, you didn't want this to be anything serious, I was giving you space."

"Giving me space?" She laughs at that. "I saw you for like two hours every three days. That's more than giving me space. I wanted to see you."

"Well why didn't you say that."

Her jaw tightens. "I did. Multiple times. You just don't listen."

"Were you fucking him while you were with me?" Jamie asks, the accusation hitting her hard.

"No." Alice answers without missing a beat. "And fuck you for even thinking that. I'm not a cheater."

"Well how am I supposed to know? You end things with me and then a week later you're dragging Lance Davie into a bathroom at a party. Makes me wonder how many people you were slipping it too when you got bored, or when I was busy."

She rolls her eyes, turning back towards the counter. "You're such a dick."

"Yeah... well."

"Well what?" She barks, whipping her head around. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means I wouldn't be surprised if you were screwing around on me while we were together." He draws, his tone accusatory.

"So what? You think I'm a whore or something?"

"All I'm saying is I've heard the stories, all the rumours of what you've done with guys. Word travels fast baby, especially when you screw anyone who glances in your direction."

"You know what-"

"Alice?" Pop interrupts, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Is everything alright?"

Alice glances towards him and then back at Jamie, wanting nothing more than to slug him right then and there. "Actually it's not."

"Do we have a problem here, Mr Reynolds?"

Jamie's jaw clenches as he stares into her icy blue eyes. He glances over at Pop and offers him a part smile. "No, just a misunderstanding is all. I was just about to leave." He breezes past Alice, his shoulder bumping against hers as he walks out.

She waits until he's out the door to turn around and face Pop, a little embarrassed that the conversation got so out of control. "Sorry about that, Pop."

"It's alright." He assures her, setting her order on the counter in front of her. "I couldn't help but overhear what he was saying to you."

"You heard that?" She blushes, embarrassed and ashamed of what Pop must think of her.

"It's why I came out. No one should talk to you that way, or anyone for that matter. And especially not in my diner."

"He's just upset. I broke up with him last week, I guess he isn't handling it very well." She explains, picking at her fingernails.

"That's no excuse to say those kind of things."

Alice shrugs. "I've got thick skin." 

"So do I, except when it comes to my favourite customers." Pop gives her a friendly wink and she smiles.

"I'm one of your favourite customers?"

"Ever since the day you set foot in here at 6 years old and demanded I make an extra chocolatey milkshake for you and FP."

She smiles. "My manners weren't exactly at their prime yet."

"I think I heard a please in there somewhere. Besides, you did offer to help me make it."

"That's true. This place is like my home away from home."

"Have you ever considered working here?" Pop suggests as he clears the used dishes from further down the counter.

Alice raises an eyebrow at him. "Are you serious?"

"Of course. I could use the extra hands around here and I think you'd be great help."

"I have been looking around for a job." She admits.

"Well look no more, it's yours if you want it." He tells her. "Plus you get a discount for anything on the menu."

"Don't tell FP that, he'll be banging down your door asking for a job too."

"Well maybe I'll give him his own discount, save us both the trouble."

"Then you'll really never get rid of him."

"Well maybe it'll just be our little secret."

"I think that's for the best." Alice chuckles. "So when do I start?"

"How does Monday sound?"

"I'll be here!" She accepts with a grin. "Thanks, Pop."

"Any time." He gestures towards her food. "Enjoy your food, and tell FP I say hello."

"Will do!"

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