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Everything had been perfect. The way he had touched her, the way her lips felt against his, every single moment was breath-taking and heart-pounding in the best way possible. It was like they had done it a hundred times before, it was all so natural and without flaw.

It played like a movie in her head as she fell asleep, held tightly in FP's arms. Part of her thought it was dream, some wonderful, magical dream. But when she slowly wakes in the morning, FP's arm is draped around her waist, and she can feel his face buried against her back, keeping her close even in his sleep.

She rolls over slowly, careful not to wake him, and smiles when she sees him sleeping so peacefully. There's remnants of her lipstick still faint on his lips and his hair is messy from her tugging on it. Her stomach does a little flip at the memory, at the thought of his toned shoulders keeping her legs spread, how he seemed to know exactly how to please her.

"You know it's kinda creepy watching people sleep." He startles her as he speaks, eyes still shut.

She smiles and scoots closer to him, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. "Good morning."

He smiles sleepily, and the arm around her tightens, tugging her closer and breathing her in. "Mmm, morning."

She nudges him as his breathing slows, a tell-tale sign that he's falling asleep. "Don't go back to sleep."

"Why? It's early and we got in late."

"I know but we told Hermione and Fred we'd meet them for breakfast." She reminds him.

"So? Lets do lunch instead." He decides.

"Not how it works, Jones. Come on, wake up." She nudges him onto his back, ignoring the annoyed groan that grumbles out of him, and straddles his hips.

He peeks an eye open out of his curiosity, fighting back a grin at the sight of her sitting on his lap wearing his t-shirt. He's always thought she was beautiful, but now? In this moment, she's flawless.

"This is just mean." He pouts, large hands coming to grasp her hips.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alice plays dumb, leaning in to press kisses along his neck.

"You know exactly what you're doing." He chuckles, turning her face to his and locking eyes. He strokes his thumb against the top of her cheekbone, admiring the way her eyes seem to sparkle in the early morning. "Good morning."

She smiles brightly at him. "Good morning." She goes willingly when he cups her face and draws her in for a kiss, melting into it as soon as his lips brush against hers.

She grinds her hips down against him teasingly, feeling him against her thigh. He nips at her bottom lip at the teasing movement and she giggles, letting him situate them both better as he swiftly sits up.

Her arms curl around his neck as she dives in for another kiss, deepening it and sliding her tongue against his.

"Thought you said we had to meet Hermione and Fred?" FP chuckles, even as his hands find and squeeze her ass.

"We do," Alice answers, lips barely moving from his. "Just have to make sure you're nice and awake first."

He laughs again. "Oh I'm awake, and if you continue to "help" me, we're gonna be even later getting out of here."

Just Friends जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें