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"I think you used up most of the hot water." FP calls after stepping out of the shower. After spending the day wandering around Greendale, the group had split off back to their respective hotels.

"I guess you should've joined me then." Alice teases, she had flirtatiously extended the offer before stepping into the steamy shower, and it took every ounce of control FP had not to take her up on it.

"I don't think we would have gotten very clean." He chuckles, opening the door with his towel slung low on his waist, his hair all floppy and wet.  "Well damn." He whispers, setting his sight on her perched on the bed wearing just his t-shirt as she brushes through the wet curls of her hair.

"What?" She wonders, suddenly insecure by how intently he's staring.

"Nothing, just... you look good in my shirt."

The blush that crosses her cheeks is intense and she smiles. "I packed up all my clothes, forgot to leave something out." She lies, she purposely took the shirt, liking how it smelt like him.

"I'll pretend I believe that." He chuckles.

"Good." She tosses the brush aside and climbs off the bed, making her way over to him. She takes a moment to appreciate his muscular frame once she's standing in front of him, delicate fingertips tracing the hardened lines of his abdomen.

His own hands find purchase on her hips, squeezing gently and causing the shirt to ride up her thighs. It fits her small frame more like a dress anyway.

She raises up on her tiptoes, easing the height difference between them, and leans in slowly, wanting him to kiss her first. He takes the hint and brushes his lips against hers, he's never going to get over how it feels to kiss her, it's damn near magic.

Her body arches into his and his hand slides up into her wet curls, cradling the back of her head as he picks her up koala style. He carries her over to the bed and lies her down on it as gently as possible. With the way her legs have wrapped around him she's easily able to pull him down with her, and they share a goofy laugh as he falls onto her with a wet smack.

She kisses him this time, tugging on the wet locks that are still dripping water droplets onto the sheets, as her tongue slides against his.

His hand slides up her leg, feeling the silky smoothness of her skin, and starts travelling his lips along her neck. She gasps as he sucks at her pulse point, fingernails scoring lightly across his shoulders as she breathes in the scent of cheap motel shampoo on him. It makes her head feel all floaty, so many sensations her body feels like it's a live wire.

They get lost in each other for a while, hands and lips exploring every inch of exposed skin they can find. But then Alice feels his arousal against her thigh. "Wait, wait." She croaks, breaking their heated contact.

"Are you alright? Did I do something?" He begins to panic a little, immediately raising his body off of hers. Had he read this wrong? Is she not okay with this?

"No, it's good, you're good, that... was all good." She insists, her words rushing out of her like lightning.

He looks at her with furrowed brows, thoroughly confused. "What's going on?" He asks softly, sensing the sudden change in her demeanour.

She shimmies out from underneath him and crosses her legs, straightening out the collar of the shirt she's wearing. "I just... I really don't want to have sex with you in this bed." She blurts out. "I want to, I really do, but even just sleeping in this bed makes me feel like I need a boiling hot shower."

"I want to do this right." She explains and sits up on her knees, reaching out to stroke his cheek. "I don't want our first time together to be in a room that looks like it could be the setting of a cheesy mystery movie."

He chuckles at that. "That's fine."

She raises an eyebrow at him. "You're not mad?"

He immediately shakes his head. "Why would I be mad?"

"Well, I mean..." She trails off letting her eyes answer the question for her as they flit down to his waist.

He blushes as he catches on. "Don't worry about that." He insists. "To be honest, I'm not keen on doing it in this place either."

She lets out a nervous breath. "You're not?"

"No. You deserve something so much better than a dingy hotel room. And preferably something better than my bed at the trailer but I'm not sure we can do much about that." She laughs. "Like you said, I wanna do this right."

She doesn't have a response just leans in and kisses him, her arms curling around his neck. "Wait," She begins, pulling back to look at him. "Isn't it a little hypocritical considering what we did last night?"

"That was different," He decides. "That was a heat of the moment, unexpected thing. Just be glad we put on clothes afterwards."

She smiles bashfully. "Might have been a heat of the moment thing but it was perfect."

"I agree." He absentmindedly twirls a stray curl around his finger as he stares at her, admiring how beautiful she looks in this moment. "Do you regret anything that happened?"

"Not at all." She answers without missing a beat. "Do you?"

"Not a thing. I'd relive that moment every day if I could."

"Well hopefully there will be plenty more moments like it to come." Alice suggests, crawling over to sit in his lap.

"Count on it." He hugs her tight to him, breathing her in. "What do you say we order some shitty pay per view movie and binge on junk food?"

"You know me well, Jones." She giggles, kissing him once more before slipping out of his lap. "You find us a movie, I'll raid the vending machines."

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