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"I should've known there was more to the story." FP says, sitting next to Alice on his couch. "You were so upset at the party, I should've known it wasn't just Jamie."

"You couldn't have known, FP." It feels like she's said the words a hundred times in the last few hours, but FP continues to beat himself over not doing more.

"But I should have. You've never been the kind of girl to stay hung up on a guy, you couldn't have cared less about Jamie once you guys broke up. I should have known something deeper had happened."

"I didn't want anyone to know."

"You should've told me." FP scolds. "We tell each other everything."

"You can't protect me from everything."

"But I can still try." He whirls his head around to lock eyes with her.

She gives him a sad smile and rests her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his. "Being a teenager sucks."

He chuckles. "You can say that again."

"Thank you." She whispers.

His eyebrows crinkle in confusion. He didn't do anything. He's been beating himself up over that fact, what could she possibly have to thank him for? "For what?"

She shrugs, there are too many things to name, he's been there for her through every hardship. "Just thank you."

"Well I guess you're welcome." He smiles and nudges her with his elbow.

"So are you gonna tell me about the girl you were out with? Or are you going to leave me in suspense?"

He smirks. "Remember that girl who gave me her number a while ago?"

Alice nods. "Wasn't her name like Gertie or something?"

"Gladys." He corrects. "Anyway, I bumped into her the other day and she ragged on me for not calling her, told me I'd have to take her out on a date to make it up to her."

"Bossy. I respect."

"She's great, Al. I mean, we hit it off instantly, that doesn't happen very often for me."

Alice feels her stomach twist, and she's unsure if it's because shes jealous FP has found someone, or because she's nervous she'll lose him to her. "You think she might be the one?"

"Oh I don't know, you know I don't really believe in all that junk."

"I do." She admits.

"You do?"

She nods. "As cheesy as it sounds, I do think there's that one special person for everyone. Maybe she's yours."

He blinks, staring at Alice and the way she's zoned out. "Yeah... maybe."


"Oh come on." FP groans as he misses another basket.

"And that's game." Fred teases triumphantly.

"It's a tie actually," FP points out. "One more game, loser buys Pop's."

"You're on."

FP starts blocking Fred, getting distracted as Jamie and his friends walk past. "Extra points if you hit them."

"I'd do it for nothing." Fred chuckles, taking the distraction to sneak past FP and land the ball in the basket.

"What does she expect really?" The boys overhear from Jamie and his friends, immediately perking their interest.

"Care to share with the group?" FP yells over.

Jamie scoffs. "Just go back to your little ball game, Jones. This doesn't concern you."

"I have a sneaking suspicion it does."

"And why's that?"

"Because I have a feeling you're talking about Alice, and if that's the case you might as well just say it to my face, make it easier for me to kick your ass."

"How do you know it's Alice we're talking about? Could be any one of the skanky Southside girls."

FP tosses the ball down and storms his way over to the group, Fred hot on his heels. "Was it you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jamie plays dumb.

"The rumour you asshat, was it you who started it?"

He laughs out loud. "I don't know what you're talking about. And anyway, why are you acting so surprised? It's not like it's a secret she puts out."

"He's probably just jealous she won't put out for him." One of the boys chimes in.

"That's right," Jamie smirks, feeling like he's hit the jackpot with the knowledge. "Because you're in love with her."

"Jamie I wouldn't." Fred interjects.

"Thats why you're here isn't it?" He taunts. "You think by defending her honour she'll finally love you back? Newsflash FP, if she hasn't fallen for you by now, it's never gonna happen."

Something in FP snaps and he lunged at the blonde boy, knocking him to the ground. It's a blur of fists as the boys repeatedly pummel each other.

FP manages to get Jamie on his back, his hand tangled in his collar and his fist held high in the air. "Just admit it was you and we'll end this right now."

Jamie's nostrils flare as he looks up at FP, he knows he's going to lose this fight, and he'd much rather not deal with the shiner he's surely about to get if he denies it. "Fine. It was me."

FP's jaw clenches and he tightens his fist for a brief moment, wanting nothing more than to punch Jamie square in the face. Instead he unclenches his hand and lets him go with a shove. "You know, you deserve an ass kicking, in fact, you're well overdue, everyone knows it. But I'm going to take the high road, be the bigger man, though Lord knows you don't deserve it."

"She's not here, FP. She can't see you playing the hero."

"She's not going to hear about this," FP explains. "Instead, I'm going to let you be the hero here, and you're going to apologize to her. And after that you're going to tell everyone that the rumour isn't true, that you made it up because you're a jealous asshole."

"And if I don't?"

"If you don't I'll tell coach, and you can kiss any chance at a scholarship goodbye."

Jamie's face softens and he buffs out a breath of air. "Fine. I'll apologize." FP finally let's the boy up, narrowing his eyes at him. "Can I go now or do you want to punch me again?"

FP just shakes his head and makes his way back to the small basketball court.

"She's never going to love you, man. I just don't get why you constantly put your neck out on the line for some girl."

FP turns on his heels to face the boy again. "Because she's not just some girl to me."

"So you'll just continue to fight for her even when there's nothing in it for you."

He scoffs. "Unlike you, I don't need to get something in return for being a decent guy. And her? She's worth everything. But I guess you'll never know."

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