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After the banquet, Cale took the children to the market to buy anything they want. Everything is going fine then suddenly.

When Cale check the children's number one of the wolf kids are missing. " where is Aria...!?" one of the wolf children who's been helping Cale in the kitchen. Cale look around panicking. Then suddenly Cale heard a familiar voice shout."Young lady..!!" it was a child's voice. Cale left the children to Hans and run to the child.

"Aria...! " Cale shouted. When Cale saw Aria but she's with someone. "young lady-nim..!! " the child shout. Cale run to the child "Aah thank god... "Cale sigh in relief. " thank you for helping..." but before cale finish her sentence. Cale recognize the familiar face of the stranger. It was the man she push a way a month ago.

Choi Han recognize Cale's face. "you..-!?" Cale carry the little girl Aria. Then "young lady-nim that's our brother..!! " the little girl point at the teenage boy. "Aaah... " Cale look at the boy. "follow me the rest of your siblings are with my butler waiting... "Cale said smiling. Cale saw her old butler, chef and a red haired mage but she ignored them.

They follow Cale " young lady-nim..!! " the rest of the children wave at them. As Cale put Aria down. Aria begin to run while drag her oppa to the rest of the wolf kids. "it's Hyung/Oppa..!!" the children have there happy reunion.

But the older wolf glare at Cale. Cale look shock then the children notice it. "Hyung don't be like that to young lady-nim she save us and took care of us..!! " one of the children shout. But that's not what Cale worry about. Cale look shock because the boy's body is full of wounds.

Cale walk in front of the wolf boy ".....come to the house I will heal you..." she said. "Potion or divine power don't work on him.. " the mage said. Cale ignore the mage as she watch the little wolves drag there brother to the carriage.

They arrived at the Henituse minor. Cale immediately ordered Hans to prepare the kitchen. Hans nodded and leave fast. Cale observe older wolf's body. "what's your name..?? " Cale ask. " lock.. " the wolf said. As Hans came back informing cale that the kitchen is ready.

"OK... Lock go to the dining room and sit I'll cook something for you.. " Cale said. "lady-nim I'll help you with the kitchen..!!" some of the children said. " OK but the rest will go with lock.. " the children nodded. "I'll cook.. " the former chef said. "No... It's my duty... " Cale said. Pushing the former chef Beacrox out of the away.

After cooking, Cale and Hans serve the food she cook then. Choi Han recognized the dishes. Cale served them Mandoo, Bibimbap and Kimchi. "have a nice meal.. " then the chair moves. The five individuals are surprise. "thank you Amy..! " the children said and sit. The five hesitate but sit then the chair move them little closer to the table.

"Young Lady are you a mage..?? " the red head mage ask. "nope why do you ask..?? " cale answer. "then why...? " "it's my friend Amy... She's a earth wind elemental.. " Cale said. "Amy had been with me seen I was 8 years old..." Cale shake her head and smile.

"you.. how do you know this dishes..?? " Choi Han ask. Cale didn't answer. Then "my wounds are healing..! " lock said. The five individuals look at their wounds it's healing too. "it's young lady's Powers..!!" Maes said. The rest of children nodded. "Ooh my... you kids stop talking and eat properly.." Cale wipe out the rice on Maes face. Cale look at the kids with gentle eyes. The five individuals sees how Cale look at the children with the gentle eyes.

After eating. Cale took the kids to sleep. "Ooh my lady-nim I didn't know you were are good with children.. " the former butler Ron said. Cale ignored him.

Then Cale saw Maes with lock and Choi Han. " Maes...i thought you were sleeping...?? " Cale said. Maes went to Cale and hug her. Cale carry Maes "what's wrong...child..?? " she ask. "that man is the one beat you up.. And hyung doesn't like you...they told me that your a trash" Maes said. Cale look at the two men. Then the father and son duo come out with the mage. "young lady-nim... On told us that you act like a trash because you used being abused and mock by the servants, knights and nobles...thats why you act tough to push everyone away... My lady Raon said to us that you saw the future of that man... " Maes point at Choi Han. "despite you want to help him but you need to push him away... That's why you did that...Young Lady-nim had been keeping us happy and took care of us soo the lady isn't a trash she's like our mother..." Maes had tears on his eyes looking at his Hyung then turn around to Cale.

"Maes...don't cry.. I can't help it people had their own opinions I think you and your siblings will needed a lot of talk later but please don't talk more...." Maes lean at Cale and fell asleep. Cale wipe the tears on Maes eyes. Cale look at the people around her. "sigh... Maes might be the second oldest wolf but he's a child...i don't know what things you told him but Maes and the rest of the wolf children just lost their homes and family..... So I treated them like my family and make them feel at home so they won't suffer anymore from their lost longer.... Maes and the rest of the children thinks of me as their parents and their second home so careful with your words that might effect your relationship.... " Cale said.

Lock look down he didn't think of that. Choi Han got curious about what Maes said and also felt bad. The father and son duo look at each other because they didn't know about the abuse. The mage felt touch by Cale's words.

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