Chapter XX

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"Nanase-san. About your brother...."

We were picking a few of the things we need at the store just a few walks from our place when Iori starts to stare at me the whole time. If he have questions...It's not like I can stop him.

"What about Tenn-nii?"

"Well, I did not mean to bring your hopes down but....just what if he does not want to see you?"

I give him my brightest smile and turns away. If Tenn-nii really doesn't want to see me then I would've just--

"Oi, Iori! Can't you be less blunt about it? Do you need me to remind you that I am also a big brother, your big brother at that! If I were Riku's brother, I would definitely want to see him after so long being apart. Seriously you...Don't worry, Riku." That last part he whispered for only me to hear. That really did reassure me of everything.

"That is some nice intuition you got there, Izumi Mitsuki."

All of us step back from the person who said that.

"And you are?" That man just grin and bow to Sogo-san.

"Mikage Shun at your service Osaka Sogo-sama."

"Mikage-san...What are you...."

"Ah, yes. Actually, can I come back with you to your dorm. I think we have something to talk about."

On our way back, this 'Mikage Shun' didn't talk at all. He's mostly quietly sitting at the back and look at the scenery. After a while more, we've arrive back home. Then, we put away the things we bought and sits down at the living room.

"Mikage-san, is it...?" Sogo-san seems like he wants to start the conversation and that guy just answers,

"Sogo-kun~ Y'know, I heard from a little birdie that you guys will go to *Niigata to see Tenn."

"Etto... That's true. Tenn-kun said that it's fine for us to come. Why? Is there something--"

The man just smile and move closer Then he hold my hands in his.

"Riku-kun. I am saying this as Tenn's friend. As great as it is for the both of you to meet again, just remember that Tenn is not who he used to be. So, don't get too shock when you actually see him. His past is definitely something he didn't want anyone to know. I, myself found out about it after being friends with him for five years."

"Are you saying that Tenn-nii doesn't..." He hold onto my hands tighter in his grasp.

"Of course not. He loves you still if that's what you wanted to know. It's just, don't talk about idols around him. That's all."

"Why not?" Iori asks.

"He experienced something that gave him this uncomfortable, discomfort feeling around this topic and...he's a tad bit scared of being abandoned. Wait, I know what you want to say, 'He abandoned me.' but he has his reason to do so but that's just how Tenn is now. So, I hope you act correctly around him. If not...." He smiles at us and brings out a gun--

"Mikage-san. Keep that thing."

"Got it, Sogo-kun. It is just--I think that everyone Tenn meets will definitely want to protect him from everything, you see. I am not the only person that will act like this if something happens to him."

Everyone kept being silent after that statement. Now that I have understand what Mikage was trying to say, Tenn-nii have a lot of people who cares for him. I am glad and scared but no one needed to know that. I chuckle to myself and turn to Yamato-san. He thinks it is an awkward situation so he decided to break the ice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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