Chapter II

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After a little stroll down the unknown town. I found a tiny apartment to rent. The owner asked me a few questions such as,

"Are you going to live alone?"
"Where are your parents?"
"What about the rent, can you handle it?"

Which I just kept nodding and smiling as answers. I think she's pretty nice since she said that I can pay half of the rent first. She said after I found a job and having enough money I can pay the rest.

I opened the door and walked in. It isn't that bad. It was not furnished so there's nothing in it. Just a small box with a small me.

"Ah...Maybe I could ask her if she has any extra futons..."

I walked out and knocked on her door.

"Yes! Yes! Coming!" I heard her behind the door.

When she opened up, she was surprised to see me.

"'Ara~ The new kid. What could be the reason for you to come here?" She asked.

"Do you have any extra futon? I don't think I can sleep on the floor....Th-That is, if you have one !"

"If it's just that, then I can gladly give it to you. Kids do need enough sleep. Come in." She smiled.

After she saw me not moving she chuckled.

"I won't bite. Come in."

I nodded and followed her. Unlike mine, her apartment was full of things. She told me to sit. So I did. After a while she came back with the futon in her hands. She puts it down and claps her hands.

"If you want this, you have to answer some questions."

"What's this? Some Q&A session?" I smirk.

"Wow. What a sharped-tongue kid you are but yes it is."

I shrugged so I guess she takes that as a sign to just ask.

"What's your name? Mine's Watanabe Mahiru."

"Tenn." She looks puzzled. Probably because I don't state my family name.

"What about your family? Do you have one?"

"I did."

"Did...?" She tilts her head.

"Yeah. A little brother and parents. I was somehow adopted by someone else when living with them but my adopted family kind of left me so...Yeah. That's why my name's just Tenn."

"Oh. That's so...How old are you?" She continue but seemingly she seems a bit bothered by what I just said.

"Fourteen this year."

"When's your birthday?"

"July ninth."

She nods and hands me the futons.

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