Chapter XIII

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That was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me and I'll definitely forget all about it. Seriously...I literally cried in front of him-MIKAGE SHUN out of all people!

Oh well....Anyway back to the story. After our...lunch(?), Mikarin insisted that we go back first.

"Tenn~Pretty please~ For your big brother Shun~."

"First-Ew, you're not my big brother. Second, no. Third, just a big NO."

"For once in your life, stop being stubborn won't you?"

"Between me and you, who can't function without a cup of milk every single day?" I raised an eyebrow. He pouted and looked away. Guess I won~

"Aki~ Haru~ Please convince your Tenn-nii here." He starts to hug them. Aki hugged him back but Haru...he just cringe at the contact.

"Tenn-nii, wanna sleep!" Aki shouted.

Haru yawned. "Me too." No fair. No one's taking my side.

"Fine! Only because these two sleepyheads are tired."

"Thank you, my dear Tenn."

"Go scram. Somewhere in the ditch. Anywhere but near me."

So yeah...after that Aki and Haru and me went back home with Aki yawning way too much for my own comfort.

"Aki. Just a bit more. C'mon."

"But...Tenn-nii, carry me!" He made those 'grabby hands' gesture of his.

"Nope. You're too heavy. Don't wanna~"

"Hmph." Oh. And guess what. Haru was kind enough to let his big brother-I repeat-Big Brother piggy back him all through the walk. Aki just kept nuzzling his nose into Haru's neck and Haru's smile just show how much he actually adores that action of his.

After a few more twist and turns, we finaly arrive. Just as I was opening the door, Aki rushed in and was instantly on the couch...sleeping. I looked to my side, Haru was looking at this situation looking amused.



"I need to go buy something. Take care of the house?" I tilt my head.

"Why didn't you just buy it on our way here?" My answer is, my finger pointing at a certain human named Aki.

"I see. Alright then, come back soon and stay safe." Is it just me or did he just glared at me?


After...getting his permission, I walked out and locked the door. Precautions you know.

 Precautions you know

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