Chapter XVII

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It's been a week since Tenn-nii and Sogo-san met and believe it or not Sogo-san has been texting back and forth with Tenn-nii after that for some period of time. They talked about their day and most of the time it was like Sogo-san was the only one talking (in this situation-texting).

"Everyone! I have some news!" Manager beams at us. This makes me excited and hyped-up but at the same time so nervous.

We're all seated in what we call the meeting room and after checking that everyone was ready, Manager stands up. "Like what all of you had suggested....We're going to Niigata!"

"Eh..? Eh? Really?" Manager nods. Everyone turns their eyes to me with a smile. Iori even said something like 'We did it.' in a whisper.

"So...When are we going to...." Iori trails off to let Manager continues his words.

"Ah! That's right. Our current schedule are mostly free and the President suggest that while we're at it, we should record a new music video there."

"Killing two birds with one stone, huh?" Iori said suddenly.

"I suppose so! We're leaving in week from now! So all of you can start packing your belongings and necessities for the time being." Manager told us with a clap after saying it.

"Ah! I have to leave now. See all of you later." And with that she's out to the door.

"Isn't this great, everyone!? ....I wonder what I should bring...?"

"This isn't a trip, Nanase-san. You sounded as if you forgot what our original propose of even doing this."

"I am just saying..."

But this is great! Now that we've got the green light to go, everything must be right. Everything needs to be all right.

I hope.


It's way too early in the morning for this to happen.

"Tenn-nii! Tenn-nii! Tenn-nii! Let's go on a date!"

Wait....That sounded so wrong.

"A date?" I asks while stretching.

"Mhm! Let's go! All three of us!"

"Haru, you're agreeing with this guy? A date? Seriously?" I squints my eyes towards them.

"Well...I can't really say 'No.' to Nii-chan."

Liar. You absolutely can say 'No.' to him. It's so obvious you also wanted this date as well. Both of you are exactly two peas in a pod.

"Fine. Give me some time to change."


After I returned, somehow somewhat I found out that the nursery was a big mess and that resulted in the nursery needs to be closed for a few days-maybe weeks-for cleaning. So that means that the twins won't really have anything to do for a while and...they've been coming to my house a lot.

"Tenn-nii! Someone's outside!"

"Don't open it! Wait for me." I said as I walk through the room. I saw the twins waiting patiently in front of the door. I raises an eyebrow and tilts my head to the side as signal for them to move aside. They got my message and move.

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