Chapter XV

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"Tenn-nii, welcome back."

"I am back." I smile at them. Aki's head are on Haru's lap and Haru are stroking his head with a fond smile gracing his lips. Okay. Too dramatic.

"What did you buy?" Haru asks. I almost forgot that I have to go to a convenience store. I don't really want to lie to them so I turn a few corners and drag Mikarin to the store to buy some things with me. At least it proves I did go to buy something.

"Just some ice cream and some late-night snacks." Haru's eyebrow raise in question.

"We can stay up late tonight...?" Aki voice out what has been playing in Haru's mind as he wakes up with a yawn.

"Yup. I am going out with a friend tonight so I don't know when I'll be back. So, if you're hungry then eat this. You can ask Mikarin to cook too." I place down the bags with a 'thump' on the kitchen aisle. I know. Mikarin's rich. Totally rich. Then, I put the things that needs to be cold in the refrigerator.

"What friend?"

"A friend. That's all there is to it."

"Okay...." They still have this suspicious looks on their face still.

I walk to my room and close the door. I sit down on the bed and stare at the edge of the room.

Oh well. I can't take back the things I've done. I stare at the clock that sticks to the wall. It's 7.15-ish p.m.. I have about 20 minutes to get ready, 17 minutes walk to the cafe and 8 minutes to stare into nothingness.

"Seriously....Time to get ready." And I mean ready in both physically and mentally.

After....12 minutes in the bath (don't judge), I started to choose my clothing and doing some touch-ups. I put on a pink button-up sweater over a white shirt and a dark blue jeans.

When I was brushing my hair, a knock on my door could be heard. I told them that they could come in.


"Hey." I reply back without looking at him. I mean why would I?

"You're....not angry are you?" I turn around still in my seat, facing him.

"Who would have thought? The Mikage Shun-sama is afraid of getting himself scolded by a mere kid. Unbelievable."

"It's not that I am scared. It's just that you're acting like you're really angry at me and I don't know if I have done something wrong to you." I sigh.

"Did you?" I stare straight into his eyes.

"Did I what?"

"Did you do something wrong? If you don't, then why are you acting like as if you did. I am not so petty to be angry at you over something you didn't even do."

After a few minutes of silence, he speaks up but he hesitates,

"Are you sure you want to meet him.....?"

"What? I can't?"

"No. Not really...."

"Then, there is no problem, no?"

"Yeah....By the way, you look great." Is he trying to get on my good side by complimenting me?

"I know. I always look great." I swipe(?) my hair to the side. He chuckles and grabs the brush I am holding. I stare at him.

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