Chapter V

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"Yes! We did it! It was a big~ success!"

"I hope that this could raise your popularity. Let's keep working harder everyone!"

"Un! Manager!" We all answer.

The live was a sucess even though there's only a few came. It still makes me happy to see that someone wants to see us.

On our way back to the dorm, all of us starts to falls asleep except for me. I was way too happy and jumpy. I still can't shake off the feeling of excitement when performing earlier.

"'Everyone! Please wake up! We've arrived!"

Everyone starts to yawn and I just chuckle at them. We get off the van and enter into the dorm.

"Please have a nice sleep everyone. Tomorrow will be another exciting day." After that, she said good night and went back out.

I am sure that everyone was super tired...Since all of them just head straight into each of their room.

"I feel so alive...."

The feel of standing on a stage was very exciting. The lights were shining very brightly too. It was a very wonderful moment.

And with that moment in my mind, I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning feeling very happy.

"Good morning, Riku-kun."

"Good morning, Sogo-san! Where's the others?"

"Still asleep."

I answer with an 'Oooo' and look around before the I hear a creak.

"Good morning Iori." Mitsuki smiles at him.

"" His eyes were still closed. How cute!

"I am going to go wake up the others."

"Wait, Sogo-san!"

I hand him a ladle and a pan, then said,

"For Yamato-san." I wink.

He only nods and walk away. I turn back to talk to the the brothers when I heard a loud crash.

All three of us turn around and see Yamato-san yawning.

"Who the heck teach Sou to wake me up that way?" He asks but of course no one answers.

After that, he's followed by Tamaki and Sogo-san.

"Now. Now. Tamaki-kun, Please open your eyes. What if you stumble onto something?"


After that, it was Nagi walking graciously in.

"Even if he is half awake he still looked like a prince...Minus the clothing." Mitsuki giggles.

But it was true what he said. Nagi would looked like a perfect prince if it wasn't for his 'Magical Cocona' t-shirt.

"Look over here, Nagi." Mitsuki said and took a photo. Then, If I am not wrong. It looks like he was posting it.

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